5/21/2020 Georgia Situation Report, Fulton County Schools and More Updates...

May 24, 2020
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Please find information during this state of emergency regarding actions, activities, and status of affairs in Georgia, Fulton County, and Johns Creek. This is a long read as there is information regarding Fulton County summer school and related updates. Please share with your family, friends, and neighbors.

1. Updated 5/21/2020 Georgia Situation Report for COVID-19 attached below (forwarded by Senator John Albers)

2. For COVID-19 case reporting by zip code and city please follow this link https://www.fultoncountyga.gov/covid-19/epidemiology-reports

3. Fulton County Schools summer school info - Learning continues this summer with two options available:  Virtual Summer Learning from June 3 to July 15, and Blended Learning from July 7-31.  These summer learning options provide students in grades 1-12 with opportunities to resolve any “Incomplete” grades received and to retake failed courses in grades 6-12.  For students in grades 1-5, summer learning is limited to resolving "Incomplete" grades in Reading and Mathematics.  For students in grades 6-8, summer learning is limited to resolving "Incomplete" grades or retaking failed courses in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.  If students have not completed 70% of their remote learning assignments, participation in summer learning is required in order to complete second-semester classes.  There is no cost for students to attend to resolve incompletes or to retake failed classes.  Opportunities for acceleration are also available this summer through Virtual Summer School; however, it is recommended that parents contact local school counselors for additional assistance and guidance. To learn more about summer school, please visit https://www.fultonschools.org/summerschool.

The deadline to register for virtual summer school is Friday, May 29, 2020.

4. Georgia High School Association Update - FCS will begin voluntary workouts and conditioning for Fall sports on June 15. FCS will utilize the guidance issued by Georgia High School Association (GHSA), along with guidance from public health agencies to create our standards for these workouts. Safety for our student-athletes and participants in extracurricular activities this summer will be the primary focus as we prepare for fall activities. In the coming weeks, each of our high schools will communicate their schedules to their students and community.

5. Purposity is a not-for-profit app that connects the physical needs of Fulton County Schools (FCS) families (vetted by school social workers or other school personnel) with members of the community who want to help. FCS began its partnership with Purposity last school year, but the program has become a recent lifeline to many due to the COVID-19 crisis. With just a few clicks, community members can log in to the online app and see lists of items that they can donate. Prices of requested items are displayed, and the exact item needed is shipped to the family. The process is confidential for both the donor and the recipient.

Below are a few examples of how Purposity has helped families in Fulton County.

Due to COVID-19 shelter-in-place orders, a single mom and her children could not get furniture donations to furnish their home after moving out of a domestic violence shelter. A request for a large, self-inflatable air mattress was fulfilled within a week.
A homeless high school senior was struggling to complete his courses to graduate while also maintaining a job to pay for basic necessities. He was wearing shoes that were falling apart but received a brand new pair through Purposity.
A single mother of three was living in a new apartment with no furniture. Her children, ages 4, 6, and 7, were given three air mattresses with bedding sets.

Purposity allows donors to give at their comfort level, whether it be clothing, a box of food, or necessities such as toiletries or baby supplies. To get started, download the Purposity app (available for iOS and Android), create an account, and then choose your giving area (Georgia/Fulton). You can either browse listings on the app or start following Fulton County Schools to see the needs of our families – right from your phone, tablet or computer.

Please continue to access www.OneNorthFulton.org for information regarding Mental Health & Addiction, Resident, Small Business, and Federal, State, and County resources.


Stephanie Endres
Johns Creek City Council Post 5
[email protected]
(678) 951-6070



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Staff Writer

The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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