BREAKING: Alleged Honeypot Operation Disclosed In Atlanta Targeting GA Legislators, Lobbyists

April 28, 2024

Witnesses Allege GOP District Official Described Sex Ring Operating In Atlanta 'Club' Designed To Compromise Officials Under Gold Dome

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Whistleblowers Also Describe Hearing GA GOP Chair McKoon Working Against MAGA officials In Party

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Since the 2020 presidential election, rumors of blackmail activity to compromise and control American politicians have swirled as citizens question the lack of action by legislators against criminal activity at the Federal, state, and local level.

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has only recently been confronted by Georgia Congressman Marjorie Taylor Greene over his bewildering change of heart over aid to Ukraine.

MTG asked very bluntly on global independent journalist Tucker Carlson's network if Johnson was compromised.

The Jeffrey Epstein affair has been well-publicized as an intelligence operation to blackmail politicians and other elites in order to control behavior. The Epstein 'client list' has somehow never been released.

Georgia GOP officials have recently brought information to The Georgia Record that such an operation allegedly is and has been underway in Atlanta for some time, with the intent to blackmail powerful people working in the Georgia state government.

An interview conducted yesterday started with witnesses describing conversations in early 2024 wherein GA GOP Chair Josh McKoon admitted that certain MAGA officials were a problem, but then took a shocking turn.

As the interview progressed, the witnesses disclosed that in a conversation with Chan Jones, 8th District GOP Chairman, Jones stated that a “honeypot” operation was operating in Atlanta designed to ensnare and compromise legislators and lobbyists.

Jones allegedly also mentioned that David Cross and Brian Pritchard would be gone by the state convention.

Georgia citizens Tim Waters and Bill Richardson agreed to the interview given the current attacks targeting GA GOP 'MAGA" officials Brian K. Pritchard, Susan Opraseuth and David Cross by GOP leadership.     

The information on Chan Jones' statements came as they described a meeting of more than an hour and a half which occurred Jan 6th, 2024. 

Like many citizens who have watched Pritchard, Opraseuth and Cross attacked repeatedly over the past months, Waters and Richardson originally came forward to share their observations in order to help get valid, truthful information to people across Georgia.

Chan Jones became known across Georgia during the infamous "Perry Fish Fry From Hell" (as named by attendees offended by the treatment they received) at which paid attendees were asked to leave if they arrived wearing shirts which said slogan such as "Paper Ballots Please." This expulsion included veterans and people in wheelchairs who were told they could not attend as shown in the video below:

Chan Jones is seen below excluding attendees with Paper Ballot Please t-shirts:

CDM and The Georgia Record elected to air yesterday's interview raw and unedited to underscore the authenticity of the comments made. The entire unedited video appears below:

Tim Waters and Bill Richardson participated in yesterday's interview in order to, as they clarified, “get the Truth out.”

“Honeypot” sex operations have long been discussed as part of covert intelligence operations around the world.  They often utilize young women, (and young men) sometimes minors, and are set up to create situations where a target can be covertly recorded having sex with these young people.    

Once recorded, the target subject must cooperate as instructed or they risk having the evidence disclosed to spouse, family and/or the public.  Failure to comply and disclosure of the evidence can subject the target to loss of family, loss of job, and even potential criminal charges – any of which is a long fall from grace for those who “govern” the rest of the people of Georgia.

Honeypot operations are real

Here is a document from CIA archives describing an instance of "honeypot" use.

You may find the original CIA post HERE you may also go to:

To know that "honeypots" exist is one thing, but to have one of these functioning right here in Atlanta in order to compromise and potentially exert control over our own Georgia legislators and lobbyists opens some very troubling questions:

How would Chan Jones, a District GOP Chairman, know about such an operation were it not also known to the GOP?

Where is this operation taking place?

Who has already been compromised?  Or perhaps who has NOT yet been compromised?

Who created the operation and who is currently running it?

How long has this been in operation?

Is there more than one such operation in use in Georgia and if so where are the others?

In what other States do similar operations now exist?

The Georgia Record commends Mr. Waters and Mr. Richardson for having the courage to come forward with this vital information.    

Others having knowledge of these or other improprieties may confidently come to The Georgia Record ([email protected]) and be treated as confidential witnesses unless they choose to make their identifies known publically.

The information and other evidence not yet disclosed is now distributed with trusted confidants.

The Georgia Record has reached out to Chan Jones for comment and will post any response he submits.

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William Quinn

Bill spent 25+ years managing businesses in the Information and Technology sector. His career includes positions with Philips Electronics, CompuCom, AT&T and IBM. Since 2019 he has been investigating and researching business, health and political issues in order to make truthful information available to the American people.

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Roger L Meyer

This is a VERY disturbing, though not unexpected nor too low of an operation, to be taking place within a state where voter fraud was so blatantly evident during the 2016 and 2020 elections.
Through the last 7 years we have seen the Democrats becoming more and more concerned about Trump running for President again that they have become obsessive over it and are willing to do ANYTHING to stop TRUMP.

Nancy Mitchell



Is this perhaps what has happened to speaker Johnson!!??
Full investigations need to happen!!


when its said and done, all these traitor to America who were found to be helping carry out a coup again the US need to be hung for their crimes.


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