BREAKING: Pinellas County Elections Officials Refuse To Provide Data Required By Law Which Could Prove Machine Election Fraud

April 27, 2023
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The Miami Independent has reported for months now on alleged election fraud taking place in the so-called 'free state of Florida'.

Florida is anything but free.

We have highlighted the issue of 'blank ballots' allegedly being produced by election machines and their alleged ability and track record of forging votes unbeknown to the voter. According to analyst Chris Gleason, this is being done by the machines designating a high percentage of ballots cast as 'blank', and then adjudicating them with software.

We have highlighted the attempt by the GOP-controlled Florida legislature to cover up this alleged fraud by changing legislation (SB 7050) to prevent disclosure of the machine data, which is currently required by Florida law.

Now Pinellas County election officials are refusing to provide election data that is required by law to be released to citizen analysts.

Analyst Chris Gleason has filed court documents to force the release of the reports that could prove machine election fraud on a massive scale.

You can read about this filing here.

From Christopher Gleason<[email protected]>

Thursday, April 27th, 2023 at 1:24 PM

To Barreiros, Jose M.,Byrd, Cord,governorron. [email protected]


When can I expect to receive the reports and data that was previously requested?

In particular:

EL45A Report

EL 30A Report

EL52 Report


· November 2018 General Election -

· November 2020 General Election -

· November 2022 General Election –

This data requested and the reports requested are not optional. They SHALL BE made available by request to your office according to the Florida Constitution, Chapter 119 and Chapter 98.

It is my understanding that there are a few Senate and House Bills that are attempting to hide and remove the data that I have requested.

Creating an unnecessary delay for this request does not engender great confidence in the "Gold Standard" of Elections that are free, fair and transparent.

Kindly, forward me the requested reports in the format that they are generated, kept and stored. For ES&S Reports that would be a .LST file or .TXT file.

Kindly forward me the requested data as mandated by Florida law.

Warmest regards,

Christopher Gleason

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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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