BREAKING: Spalding County Board of Elections Votes To Ensure Election Integrity

July 24, 2023

Spalding Board votes to hand count all ballots prior to certifying future elections

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Tonight, the Board held a Specially Called Meeting and voted to execute a hand count using the human-readable portion of the ballots for all future Spalding elections. The hand count would then be compared to the counts reported by the machines. If the hand count does not match the machine count, the election would not be certified.

On July 10th, residents and members of the Spalding Board of Elections were shown how hand counting proceeses could be efficiently used in Spalding elections.

The next day during the Board of Election meeting, a Board member moved that Spalding commit to using only voting processes that could be human verified and that would increase voter confidence in the elections. That motion was ultimately tabled in order to provide public notice prior to consideration of such a step.

Since Dominion voting machines produce ballots that include bar codes which are not human-readable they would not satisfy the requirements of that motion, consequently the County would likely have to choose another method of voting - perhaps hand marked ballots and hand counting. One speaker this evening pointed out that a U.S. District Court found Secretary of State Raffensperger's claims "not credible."

During public comments, a number of speakers from counties across Georgia, provided examples of erroneous voter registrations, "phantom" voters, and votes cast by people who had previously died.

Spalding's Board of Elections includes:

Ben Johnson – Chairman
James Newland – Vice Chairman
Roy McClain – Secretary
James A. O’Brien – Member
Dexter Wimbish – Member

During the hand counting demonstration, attendees were shown simple systems which facilitate counting by teams of two people - one democrat and one republican. The process for each team is videotaped from above and cross-checked after each batch. Any concern could be quickly reviewed via the video and corrected in a few seconds. Each hand count workstation uses readily available technology and is said to cost of fraction of the thousands in cost represented by each current voting machine.

Earlier this year, the City of Milton voted to stop using Fulton County to administer their elections after reviewed a study of the cost of voting. They found that by moving away from elections using machines (administered by Fulton County) the City could capture a savings of $250,000 in the first year.

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Bill spent 25+ years managing businesses in the Information and Technology sector. His career includes positions with Philips Electronics, CompuCom, AT&T and IBM. Since 2019 he has been investigating and researching business, health and political issues in order to make truthful information available to the American people.

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Lyra Donahue

What a novel idea!! Raffensberger is, I am sure, livid!! Keep it up Spalding Co. How about other Georgia counties coming to their senses.

Christopher Simon

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Last edited 1 year ago by Christopher Simon
Mad Celt

Don't vote any more. No one running is worth the office and your vote probably doesn't count or register.

Meg Mehserle

God loves giving us His miracles - don’t lose hope! This news shows we are gaining ground -
There’s no hiding truth forever. It’s time to double down.
Heavenly Creator Almighty Father, thank You for Your power and Your timing and Your justice and Your light and truth. In Jesus’ mighty and holy name we pray, amen.


"Throwing in the towel" isn't a solution.

Antjuan Dover

Spalding County's hand count in 2020 was perfect. The ballots handcounted by audit teams matched the machine count perfectly. This should prove that the Dominion equipment is working.

county-summary-data.pdf (

[…] BREAKING: Spalding County Board of Elections Votes To Ensure Election Integrity […]

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