
Brian Kemp Criticizes Trump Over Loyalty Pledge But Where Does Kemp's Loyalty "Lie?"

August 14, 2023

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Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp seems quick to find a reason to criticize Trump,

Perhaps Mr. Kemp has forgotten the comments he made a few short months ago regarding the Republican Party when the AJC reported that he urged donors to "ditch the traditional party."

One also wonders what real republicans make of his secretive meetings during Klaus Schwab's WEF DAVOS conference where he "fast-walked" his movement to secret meetings apparently in order to avoid reporters asking who he was meeting with and why?

The WEF is now well-recognized for a focus on social and financial agendas which have little to nothing to do with the freedom and sovereignty of Americans.

Georgian's are also fast becoming aware of his welcoming invitations for Chinese CCP companies to open businesses in Georgia, as demonstrated by Kemps promotional video on

Some advocates of Kemp may react that it's just business, not communism, yet others are well aware that essentially ALL Chinese companies exist through the good graces of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP,) often cooperating by sharing information gathered in the U.S. that could be useful to the CCP regime.

Georgian's are quite smart and many are watching Kemps moves and statements carefully. Kemp recently shared top "advisor" Cody Hall with the DeSantis campaign, one wonders what the agenda really is.

This weekend DeSantis appeared to end up with "egg" on his face after a number of awkward moves during the Iowa State Fair. DeSantis served eggs while Trump waved to crowds who were shouting "Four More Years!" DeSantis walked through crowds chanting "We Want Trump," meanwhile an airplane flew overhead trailing a banner which read: "Be Likeable Ron."

Finally DeSantis was reportedly caught on a hot mic as Trump's plane flew over the crowd saying "That's his f'ing plane!"

We wonder if missteps like these are being corrected by Mr. Hall.......... or perhaps being CAUSED by his entrance into the campaign.

More importantly, with 60%+ of Republicans and a growing number of independents supporting Trump's nomination, how long before Georgians recognize the real question of Kemp's loyalty?

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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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Jesus Christ ? The tin fold hat brigade is getting really desperate now.

JT Fulton County


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