• Nazeera Dawood & Jay Lin: Candidate Donations

    October 14, 2015

    Nazeera Dawood & Jay Lin: Candidate Donations

    Update: Nazeera Dawood's Current Donations

    Update: Jay Lin's Current Donations

    Nazeera Dawood Campaign Donations submitted 6/30/15:

    • 41 donors
    • 29 live outside Johns Creek
    • 8 are Johns Creek Voters (includes spouse)

    Nazeera Dawood Did Not vote in the last 4 elections in Johns Creek. Her last vote was 5/20/14 (She skipped 7/23/14, 11/4/14, 1/6/15 & 2/3/15).


    Jay Lin Campaign Donations submitted 6/30/15:

    • 62 donors
    • 41 live outside Johns Creek
    • 12 are Johns Creek Voters (includes spouse)

    Jay Lin voted in the last election 2/3/15

    We will release the other Candidates information as it becomes available. Nazeera Dawood & Jay Lin Next deadline for Campaign Disclosure is 10/19/15.

    Sources: City of Johns Creek & Fulton County Voter Registration List 8/2015



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    The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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    Michele Sarkisian

    This is interesting! Lots of signs out there but did not realize several
    donations came from outside the city!

    Justin Tyme

    Excellent job, Nancy.

    Is it possible to add another line where you can quote percentage by the number of donors in addition to percentage of dollars received from outside Johns Creek.

    It will show that 71% of donors for one candidate and 64% for the other are outsiders.

    What a shame, one candidate didn't bother to vote in the past 3 elections but shamelessly asks gullible voters to exercise their "right to vote."

    Can't wait for the Oct. 19th disclosures!

    Justin Tyme

    Oops, my bad... 4 elections!


    Do you really have the time to look up where every candidate lives? Who is paying you to do this or are you just really really bored? Did you check to see if any of these people have been arrested lately? Are any of them in the state database of child predators? any sexual predators registered with the state? I would like to know this....what about if any of these donors are recent immigrants? maybe some are even illegal...this is what we need to know....


    The addresses are included on the disclosure forms. The candidate fills this information out.


    God forbid we have an informed electorate...


    Nazeera Dawood accepted a campaign contribution of $1,000 from an owner of the VapeRite e-cigarette store at 10900 Medlock Bridge Road in Johns Creek (shopping center with Abbotts Bar & Grill).

    Should a responsible health care professional accept a donation from an e-cigarette business?


    VaperRite isn't an e-cigarette store. E-cigs are a different product than vape juice. One study was performed about vaping and it's findings were manipulated out of context, by self serving entities, in an attempt to establish it was dangerous. The researchers of the study stated publicly that the allegations and conclusions drawn by others were false and their claims were actually impossible because a human being couldn't physically "vape" at the temperatures cited by the pundits twisting the research to "prove" it was bad. Vaping has been responsible for thousands upon thousands of people quitting smoking. These people are now healthier than they were before and all health care professionals should support that.

    I have many concerns about Nazeera Dawoods campaign, claims that she personally has played a part in almost all successful City of Johns Creek programs, initiatives and awards, and her less than ideal donor base. I don't fault her for supporting something that there has been ZERO proof/evidence is bad for your health though.


    Incorrect. VaperRite is an e-cigarette store. They also sell the vap juice, which goes in the e-cig. Here is a link we wrote about these stores coming to the City.


    Editor, I respectfully disagree with your information. An e-cig and a vaporizer are different devices that use different substances in them. You wouldn't call a motorcycle a truck just because it too has wheels and performs a similar function would you? Vaporizer juice doesn't necessarily even have tobacco in it. It can be added if a person likes, otherwise it's not even an ingredient. Every e-cig I have ever seen does have nicotine in it. there are other differences between the liquid contained in e-cigs and the juices that go into vaporizers as well. I have never seen an e-cig in Vaporite. Unfortunately, you point to an unfortunate problem with many people in the media misinforming the public.


    @Mills. I stated 'incorrect' to Vaperite not being an E-Cigarette Store.

    Indeed it is an E-Cigarette store. Have a look at their website and logo.

    JC for All

    Why did you just list campaign donations from Nazeera and Jay only? You published Q&A for all candidates. Why don't you list all 11 candidates's donations? What is your agenda of this web site? It looks like you don't like people with colors, right?


    Both of these candidates declared their campaigns many months prior and submitted these financial disclosures Jun 30th, 2015. We will publish ALL candidates donors as they come available. The Next deadline to do so is Oct 19th.

    Color Blind


    What color is Arun Misra?


    This is just the beginning. There will be much more financial disclosures and campaign documentations published. We assure you, it will be front and center for all candidates.

    Ernest Moosa

    Thank you for this information, Nancy.

    We do need to understand where the dollars are coming from that are trying to shape our local government as well as why they are coming in such large amounts from outside sources.


    Is it possible to get an updated version of those lists? Have they received donations after 06/30?


    Yes Id love to see who is donating to Stephanie Endress campaign. Ive asked around and cant find ANYBODY who would give her money. Id like to see how many of her contributions come from outside the city. Unfortunately we will never know because its doubtful it will ever be printed because we will be on the next question before that happens.


    We WILL publish Stephanie Endres donations after they are submitted to the City Clerk. She is in a Special Election and that deadline is Oct 19th.


    JC for All...oh please, don't try to use the race card again. That is as old as time.
    I am sure that most sensible candidates ( the ones that are truly interested in helping Johns Creek citizens) aren't spending their kids' college funds to get elected to a 14k job.
    Why have the last few elections in Johns Creek turned into a media blitz/money game? This election is about the best candidates winning, not those that have the deepest pockets.
    And where's the "green" concern? I have had my fill of thousands of plastic signs cluttering up the city at every turn. Are those signs going to be recycled?

    Charlie kelly

    The fact that you chose to publish the contributions list for candidates Dawood and Lin, when none of the other office seekers had yet submitted theirs, indicates a negative bias against those two.

    Obviously, they aren't attempting to hide anything since they were the first two to provide these figures. But, by releasing these figures with no way to compare them against the other candidates, and then offering criticism of their donor base, your bias is showing.

    Will you be equally concerned when the other candidates provide their figures if they too report what you view as undesirable donors?
    Dawood and Lin seemingly submitted their lists some three and a half months ago. We are now less than 30 days from the election. When will the other candidates furnish their lists of donors?

    I detest seeing good people smeared by such tactics as was Mayor Bodker in his last run for mayor. Fortunately, the people of Johns Creek saw through the political motives of his opponents and reelected our fine mayor. I respect all of our candidates and I appreciate their desire to serve.


    @Charlie Kelly Thank your for your comment. We published the lists that were submitted first. Since Nazeera Dawood and Jay Lin launched their campaigns 3 months prior to qualifying, they submitted these donors list on June 30th.

    We have just received 2 more candidates disclosures (recently submitted), Todd Burkhalter and Steve Broadbent and will be publishing them. When the other candidates submit theirs Oct 19th, they too will be publish accordingly as this is public record and the residents deserve to see who is funding these campaigns.

    With 11 candidates, running for special election, general election and re-election they all have different disclosure deadlines.


    Actually, instead of plastic signs and paper flyers, how about donating
    Most of the money to a worthwhile charity for children suffering from hunger or cancer ?! Money better spent !


    Hey Suzi ...are any of these candidates doing anything illegal by putting out signs and flyers? If not whats the problem? I know for a fact that Jay Lin donates lots of money to a specific charity and never tells anyone. I work for that charity and its not fair to disparage someone for doing something that is 100% legal.


    How many days in advance of an election are candidates allowed to start placing signs?

    Higgs Boson

    If you attended the JCCA Candidate Forum last night 10/20, you heard a question directed to Nazeera Dawood about eminent domain. However, she did not specifically answer this question. I concluded she doesn’t even know what eminent domain is. See the Forum video and decide for yourself. We don’t need another Cori Davenport on the JC City Council!!


    I really don't want to elect candidates that place their own gain and ambitions over the good of the city. Case in point, the signs. There are two candidates who have placed far too many signs on our roads and not in compliance with the sign rules. Everyone knows from observation who these two candidates are. No, you can't put multitudes of little signs all in one spot. Try reading the laws if you want to be a council member. One of them repeatedly seems to have a sign placed directly in front of, and covering, their opponents signs. Is this someone we want running our city? I think character is reveal in these acts.

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