ROSA PARKS REDUX: Chatham County Board Of Elections Uses Police Force To Stop Public Comments - Or Were They Preventing Inconvenient Disclosures?

July 11, 2023

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Beth Majeroni, a vocal citizen on substantive matters of elections and schools, was physically dragged out of a meeting of the Board of Elections by law enforcement on Monday because she would not stop her public testimony. She is a grandmother. Thomas Mahoney, Chairman of the Board, claimed that he could not allow her comments regarding her dealings with the Board of Elections and a recent citizen grand jury that she has led. So, he gaveled her out of order and used police directives to physically remove here from the room. Concernedly, all of the elections matters were already in the public record from a year-long citizen effort regarding the county election integrity.

Her effort began when Billy Wooten, Elections Supervisor, remitted a reportedly false document to Mrs. Majeroni regarding the chain of custody of the county elections materials after the primary election in May 2022. He signed a document that the materials had been picked up for transportation by the Georgia State Patrol, however Mrs. Majeroni did an open records audit through the GSP and found that they had never held possession of the materials. Instead, the ballots, memory cards, tabulator tapes, and other materials had been "stored" in the back room of the Elections Office the entire time, which she learned through a clerk.

The grand jury hearings evolved into requests for more documentation from the Board of Elections. And, her controversial testimony included how the remittance was extremely difficult to obtain. They simply would not or could not provide a record of the chain of custody of the dozens of cartons of election materials. In an apparent attempt to prevent the public from hearing the public truth, Thomas Mahoney, the BOE Chairman, gaveled her out of order. He refused to allow her to continue speaking, and when she asserted her rights under the first amendment, he ordered police force on the petite senior citizen. It all happened so quickly.

What did she do when a police officer suddenly grabbed her arm? She sat down.

When she was cut off, Mrs. Majeroni was just beginning to share the basis for her concerns with the county elections. A large number of the grand jury complaint were related to the universally spoiled machine ballots, bearing an unverifiable barcode that the county presents to citizens. Mrs. Majeroni and thousands of other county citizens have ample research evidence to strenuously object to being forced to vote over 90% of its ballots on the illegal machine system produced by Dominion Voting Systems.

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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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Enid Alexander

Now that the initial shock at seeing this woman carried out by law enforcement has worn off, I would like to know if Ms.Majeroni will be filing suit and if there will be a GoFundMe/givesendgo, e.g. to pay for legal costs.


I am disgusted by this! What can Ga voters do to help with this situation?

Karen Bracken

The police forget they were hired to serve the people not to take orders to do harm from tyrants. The cops should have refused.

Digital Dan

Those PIGS will ALWAYS do what their MASTERS tell them to do.

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