Dekalb's GOP Files Election Suit Against Brad Raffensperger - Why Isn't Josh McKoon And The Georgia GOP Participating?

September 12, 2024
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This week the Dekalb County GOP filed suit against Brad Raffensperger for in part failing to follow Georgia law with regard to cybersecurity of the Dominion Voting systems.

The 165 page filing is voluminous, but will it accomplish change? Perhaps more importantly who will benefit if the case is won by Dekalb GOP? Many say the rest of Georgia will fail to benefit because of McKoon's failure in leadership.

The Georgia GOP (Georgia GOP, Inc.) is noticeably absent as a plaintiff in the matter. Why? GOP "members" from other counties want to know why after three and half years of working to help fix Georgia's widely questioned election practices, Josh McKoon, Chairman of the Georgia GOP would fail to step up and enter this case.

Some speculate that it is McKoon's job as attorney for the Technical College Systems of Georgia that might be preventing his participation. McKoon answers to a Board for the Technical Colleges and that Board answers to Brian Kemp. Some say Brian Kemp appears to be calling the shots on what steps the Georgia GOP will and won't take when it comes to election integrity and other matters.

A case in point, at last year's infamous Perry Fish Fry (oft referred to as the "Fish Fry from Hell"), Kemp was due to visit the event and organizers took steps to outlaw t-shirts advocating for Paper Ballots, because the subject is said to be one of Kemp's sore spots.

Chan Jones and the organizers went as far as forcing a man in a wheelchair to leave because he came wearing a t-shirt with a paper ballot slogan.

What does this have to do with this latest lawsuit? Josh McKoon's apparent fear of leadership in the face of Kemp's potential retributions.

During and after the Perry Fish Fry not one word came from McKoon regarding the terrible treatment some attendees received simply by wearing a particular t-shirt.

Now when McKoon could participate in a suit attempting to create beneficial change he again shirks his duty and goes silent, failing to participate could mean that in case of a win 158 counties out of 159 would receive no benefit because of McKoon's choice.

McKoon has no trouble sponsoring and attending lavish luncheons such as that held recently (with a custom menu no less) at Ruth Chris Steak House to discuss a "Rural Voter Taskforce".

Rural Voters who have benefited from (or in fact heard of) McKoon's "Rural Voter Taskforce" please feel free to advise The Georgia Record of your experiences.

Trump has been on the record many time stating Georgia's election was stolen.

One wonders what President Trump must be thinking watching the Chairman of the Georgia GOP fail to step up to a chance to potentially make beneficial change in our elections.

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William Quinn

Bill spent 25+ years managing businesses in the Information and Technology sector. His career includes positions with Philips Electronics, CompuCom, AT&T and IBM. Since 2019 he has been investigating and researching business, health and political issues in order to make truthful information available to the American people.

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What Rural Task Force? Sorry, but no trust here for that guy. Zero integrity.

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