Departing City Council Member Stephanie Endres Gives Parting Statement

August 18, 2021
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Johns Creek City Council member Stephanie Endres gives her parting statement. She will leave as promised her position at the end of the year after two terms.



Dear Johns Creekers,

For the past 5 ½ years, I have been the resident’s advocate addressing individual concerns, providing neighborhood support, and improving overall city relations with residents.  I promised, if elected, to implement fiscal controls to ensure efficient and effective spending of your tax dollars and implement effective governance and oversight controls to ensure transparent and sustainable decision making.  I am happy to report the following accomplishments in line with my commitments to you:

Fiscal Accountability

  1. Aligned the millage rate with the defined established budget which resulted in the largest property tax cut and created a defined methodology for evaluating millage rate in an effort to truly balance the budget.
  2. Established a financial forecasting tool including mid-year budget review process.
  3. Annual Reserve Distribution Policy to allocate portion of excess “tax collections” at fiscal year-end to specifically allocate the excess to property tax stabilization reserve, accrual funding and additional capital projects.
  4. Monthly financial reports to include unassigned surplus reporting as well as detailed capital project tracking roll forward.
  5. Defined accrual methodology as part of annual budget for clear and concise budgeting.
  6. Annual capital project true up as part of mid-year and year-end reporting allowing unspent dollars to be returned to unassigned surplus timely.
  7. Established storm water utility for defined resource allocation for managing and maintaining storm water critical infrastructure needs
  8. Renegotiation of outsourced service contracts resulting in savings of $500K+ through in sourcing and more favorable costing terms.


  1. City Charter improvements for concise and transparent governance

-Executive Aide to the Office of the Mayor position restructure

-City Council Term Limits – Two Terms

-Board Attendance to ensure consistent board support for decision making

2. Create Storm Water Utility which included updating the Storm Water Ordinance to allow for alternative devices to manage storm water in zoning and installation throughout the city.

3. As part of the updated Comprehensive Land Use Plan, lead an effort to streamline and update the Zoning Ordinance for more transparent and deliberate zoning laws.

4. Executive Session transparency

-Quarterly memo for legal updates

-Advance material preparation for effective decision making

-Administrative planning for effective staff management

5. Newly Elected Orientation Binder for administrative onboarding.

Governance continued

6. Streamlined standard contracts to reduce contract completion schedule and implement quality accountability.

7. Sidewalk Prioritization Matrix utilizing defined methodology for installation.

8. Intersection Improvement Matrix utilizing data driven priority determination.9. Traffic Calming Policy to assist residents with neighborhood speeding issues.

Collaborative Initiatives

  1. NOW-COMP Waive funding – ensured funding for special needs individuals for programming during the FY20 State of Georgia budget process resulting in resolution support with the City of Johns Creek in conjunction with Forsyth County, City of Alpharetta, City of Milton, City of Roswell, and City of Mountain Park.
  2. iHeartJC initiative established with Council Member Steve Broadbent.
  3. Reformed the Executive Aide position to the Office of the Mayor with Council Member Chris Coughlin and Mayor Mike Bodker.
  4. Defined the relaxation of the sign ordinance and alcoholic beverage ordinance during COVID-19 Pandemic through emergency ordinance; with permanent alcohol ordinance changes with Council Member Lenny Zaprowski and Mayor Mike Bodker.
  5. Cares Act definition for distribution of funds with Council Member Erin Elwood
  6. Grave Vandalism Ordinance with Council Member Erin Elwood and Council Member Chris Coughlin.
  7. FY2016 Property Tax Millage Rate decrease with the Council Member Bob Gray and Council Member Lenny Zaprowski (resulting in $1 million reduction).
  8. FY2019 Property Tax Millage Rate decrease with Council Member Chris Coughlin (resulting in $2 million reduction).
  9. Reverse Bid pilot for contract procurement with Council Member Chris Coughlin

 Strategic Initiatives 

  1. Established a Transportation Task Force to reduce car volume traffic which resulted in walk to school programs, Waze carpooling and work from home initiatives (pre-pandemic).
  2. Prioritized traffic operational improvements such as Grove Point road left turn lane, Barnwell Road right of way clearing, Barnwell Road/Barnwell Elementary left turn lane, Medlock Bridge Road southbound 3rd straight lane, Morton Road/States Bridge Road dedicated right turn lane, and Buice Road/Spruill Road, Old Alabama Road, and Brumbelow Road/Tuckerbrook Road traffic calming improvements. 
  3. Intelligent Traffic Light System championed hiring a Traffic Light Engineer to maximize the system capabilities and demonstrate a defined return on investment.
  4. Public Safety initiatives:

a. Prioritized Public Safety budget dollars as critical infrastructure

b. Police body worn cameras

c. Retired Police Officer hiring programming

d. Insourcing GCIC staff

e. Fire Department – Quick Response Vehicle pilot program

  1. Prioritized development of pocket parks for local communities and maintenance/refreshes of existing parks including turf field installations.
  1. Championed Autrey Mill Facility Use Agreement.
  2. Prioritized Autrey Mill parking lot replacement with pervious material as a pilot test.
  3. Lead the effort to implement Sunday Alcohol Sales deregulation and promote growler sales beyond boutique establishments.
  4. Lead the effort to ensure funding for transportation projects are fully budgeted in specific budget year to ensure efficient, effective, and timely installation (ex. Old Alabama Road traffic improvements FY20).
  5. Noise Ordinance modifications to protect residents’ peaceable enjoyment in their home.

I have also worked with so many residents and subdivisions throughout Johns Creek to facilitate communication with Johns Creek staff as well as to advocate for effective support on issues that could not be solved independently such as:

  1. Medlock Bridge residents for extreme noise issues
  2. Cameron Crest Farms front entrance
  3. High Oaks Court storm drain repair
  4. Pine Walk traffic calming
  5. Jones Bridge Road and Buice Road subdivisions for TSPLOST widening project
  6. Buice Road and Spruill Road traffic calming
  7. Brumbelow Road and Tuckerbrook Road traffic calming
  8. Concord Hall, Vicarage, Seven Oaks, and Highlands Park for McGinnis Ferry widening
  9. East Haven to abandon TSPLOST expansion road through Alcon property
  10. Storm Water infrastructure prioritization for subdivisions from Shakerag through NewTown

I assisted everyone who asked for support regardless of my personal political principles.  If a resident needed to be heard, I ensured there was an audience for their voice and support for a resolution.

I never missed a Work Session or City Council Meeting, and I did not allow the City to pay for my expenses.  I am not an employee of Johns Creek; I am YOUR representative and I work for YOU!

I also promised I was not a career politician and that I would only run for two terms for Post 5; on December 31, 2021, I will complete my second term.  Thank you, Johns Creek, for such an amazing experience and trusting me to effectively represent your interests!  I accomplished what I set out to do for YOU and I will miss working for YOU!

If there is anything I can help you with between now and December 31st, please let me know.

With my sincerest gratitude,

Stephanie Endres, CPA

Johns Creek City Council Post 5(678) 951-6078

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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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