Did OZ's Curtain Just Get Pulled Back?

April 24, 2024

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As previously reported, there have been a number of actions and statements made against Brian K. Pritchard both before he was elected in June of last year and in several episodes since that time.

To many, this seems confounding as Brian K. Pritchard, also known as BKP, spends two hours every weekday morning attempting to relate current information and news regarding the upcoming elections and those working for and against The United States and its Constitution.

We reported last week that when one reviews the actions and timeframes, these actions seemed to take on the characteristics of an ongoing plan rather than simple reaction.

When multiple people are involved in any plan, there are invariably “mistakes” and in the last 24 hours we may have seen one of these mistakes.

Yesterday, a group text was shared with CDM and The Georgia Record which included a conversation thread between Debbie Dooley and Carolyn Jeffords (Secretary of the Georgia GOP), and copying Salleigh Grubbs (Over 80k Chair of the Georgia GOP) and David Cross.

What was the conversation about?  A text message early in the thread may give a clue: Debbie Dooley says  “I am not going to be attacking David Cross and his wife anymore or Pritchard.  Will just let you guys deal with that.”

(Based on the content of the text messages it would appear that David Cross was never meant to be copied on the thread.)

Apparently Carolyn Jeffords noticed at at a certain point that Cross was included and texted “This is great. Just please don't put me in a group text with David Cross again."  To which Debbie Dooley responds “Oos” and exits the thread.

Caroline Jeffords and Debbie Dooley seen conferring during the 7th District Convention last weekend

Is this evidence of a plan or conspiracy against Pritchard, Cross or others?      We don't know.     But it does open the question of why they would be discussing attacks on anybody when such attacks have been repeatedly denied.

It is notable that less than 48 hours ago Hank Sullivan posted a Substack expanding on the concept of a plan underlying the removal of Brian K. Pritchard, Susan Opraseuth and David Cross.   He also called into question the connections and loyalties between Josh McKoon and Brian Kemp.  The release of Sullivan’s Substack was quickly met with emails distributed by Dooley calling Sullivan's findings wrong and attempting to prop-up McKoon.

The entire text thread between Dooley, Grubbs, Jeffords and copying Cross appears below.

CDM gave each of the three parties a chance to respond to the discovery of these messages.

Grubbs claimed to have no knowledge of the messages although she appears copied on the thread.   Her response appears below.

Despite having sent the request yesterday, at the time of publication no response had been received from Carolyn Jeffords.

Dooley sent the following reply to a Media query regarding the text exchange.    Notably she fails to explain why she would be sharing her intentions on continued attacks with Grubbs and Jeffords and follow that with “Will just let you guys deal with that.” This apparently was referring to additional attacks.

The Georgia Record in particular notes the last line of Dooley's response:

What does she mean by "Let the battle proceed as planned.." ?

It is also notable that her response states "...I have been on the front lines going after Cross and Pritchard"

Yet here Dooley appears quite chummy with Brian K. Pritchard at a Support President Trump Rally in Mineral Bluff, GA, which was held on March 30th, days after the court ruling that is a subject of these attacks.

The discovery of these messages comes after weeks of messages flying back and forth in text and on Signal and other media apparently attempting to discredit Pritchard in some cases through statements carefully worded to worsen the appearance of a recent civil court ruling.    Some have even attacked Pritchard's wife who had no connection to the civil case.

Many have questioned how an obscure ruling in a civil case could make its way and be published around the world, while other news including the discovery of over 12,700 campaign donations that “disappeared” from Brian Kemp’s campaign account(s) could receive little national attention.

(NOTE: We will clarify that concerns voiced by Dooley regarding a plan to deny Trump the actual nomination during the National Convention are echoed by others and may be a valid concern.   Some have suggested that should Trump be convicted or any of the contrived charges against him, some “delegates” might use that as an excuse to avoid voting for him.   

Likewise, the intent and commitment of Georgia’s National Delegates may in some cases be suspect and The Georgia Record recommends that each Delegate put in writing a GUARANTEE that they will vote for Trump without change or fail even if he is convicted in one or more of these bogus cases.)

As we stated last week, a plan becomes recognized as multiple events come into view.  It seems that latest “mistake” may be an example of that.

See our article from last week exposing the existence of a plan against Brian K. Pritchard.

The GA GOP IS Running A PLAN Against MAGA Brian Pritchard – Here’s How You Know

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Staff Writer

The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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God truly has a sense of humor!!

We Do Not Consent

If you are a GAGOP member and support BKP and Susan against this "coordinated" attack on them, as well as David Cross, please sign the petition: We The People Do Not Consent - a notice to the Georgia Republican Party, Inc. As members, let your voice and thoughts be known. Georgia Republican Party, Inc. - WE THE PEOPLE: DO NOT CONSENT (jotform.com)


IMHO Dooley can't be trusted.

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