Fulton Rescinds Talitrix Contract As Information On Funding For Sheriff's Campaign Surfaces

October 19, 2023
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Sheriff Patrick Labat presented an emergency funding request in April in the amount of $5.3 million dollars with $2.1 million to purchase and implement Talitrix technology. 

In last night’s Fulton County Commission meeting, Vice Chairman Ellis brought forth information surrounding Talitrix, the very same company The Georgia Record reported on earlier in the year that appeared to have ties to the Mental Health bill HB 520, then in consideration before the General Assembly.

Commissioner Ellis stated that Sheriff Labat presented an emergency funding request in April of this year in the amount of $5.3 million dollars, with $2.1 million included to purchase and implement Talitrix technology. 

Ellis also disclosed that the Sheriff had also entered into contracts with Talitrix dating back to Sept 27, 2021 without the knowledge of the Fulton County Commission.

Readers may recall that Sheriff Patrick Labat was in the news in previous months after it was learned that he had appeared in soft porn videos.

Quoting from information he had been provided, Commissioner Ellis stated that campaign records indicated that the Talitrix organization, employees, spouses, related entities made political contributions  to Labat's campaign in totaling $78,100.

Commissioner Ellis further disclosed that on Oct 9th (approximately 9 days ago) he had received a text message indicating it was from the CEO of Talitrix, suggesting that the Commissioner be “quiet.” Ellis described the message as threatening.

Commissioner Ellis also reported that he had received political mailers rolled up and placed in the mail box at his home. The mailers indicated they had been paid for by “Americans for Protecting the Public”  a political action committee.

Sheriff Patrick Labat to the mic......

Commissioner Ellis also described a letter in which a number of questions had been posed to the Sheriff, questions which were never answered.    After a short initial statement, Labat turned the microphone over to an attorney. 

The attorney began by reminding the Commission that as a Constitutional Officer, the Board of Commissioners has "no power to direct the Sheriff to appear or to do anything."

Commissioner Ellis repeated his first question, (originally posed in the letter noted above) as to what payments had been made to Talitrix, the amount of those payments, the dates of payments and which fund(s) were used to make these payments.

Commission Ellis and Chairman Pitts both stepped in to push for answers when the attorney appeared to be unprepared to provide the information requested.

Video of The discussion surrounding the Talitrix contract and Sheriff Labat can be seen below:

Ultimately the Commission considered a motion to rescind the contract with Talitrix which passed 4-1 with Arrington voting No and Barrett abstaining:


What is "Americans for Protecting the Public, Inc."?

A review of the Secretary of State website reveals "Americans for Protecting the Public, Inc." was registered in January of 2023 and the formation document lists Justin Hawkins as Incorporator: The document appears below:

Subsequent filings in April, June and July indicate a Name change and change of registered Agent.

The most current Annual Registration Document lists the following officers:

William M. Morris, CEO

Paul Kilgore, Treasurer

Michael Goode, Secretary

The document may be reviewed below:

William M. Morris appears to be listed on the document as Marc Morris. Marc Morris' LinkedIn profile confirms he served as Georgia House Rep from the 26th District from 2017-2021.

The Georgia SoS website also lists Talitrix, as the name of several listings:

Registered Agent

Talitrix Georgia, LLC Justin Hawkins

Talitrix Holdings, LLC Justin Hawkins

Talitrix ITW, LLC Todd Jones

Talitrix, LLC Justin Hawkins

These organizations appear to have been converted in December 2022 from Domestic (Georgia-based) firms to Foreign (out of state firms) in Delaware.

Of note is that Todd Jones, listed above, is a currently serving member of the Georgia House of Representatives for District 25 (Southern Forsyth County)

At time of publication, a call placed to Todd Jones for comment was unreturned.

This morning Community activist and researcher Hank Sullivan published a substack with further details about the matter.   The content appears below along with a link to Mr. Sullivan's substack account.

Find Hank Sullivan's substack account HERE

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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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