GARVIS Voter Roll System Showing NO History Of Cast Votes In 2022

June 13, 2023

Photo: Public Domain

Analysis of Top Counties Shows ZERO Last Vote Dates After 2021.

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Voter rolls are available for all Counties in Georgia.  The data is administered by the Secretary of State’s office using several tools including the GARVIS system decided upon last year by Brad Raffensperger.  GARVIS was built by MTX, a strategic partner closely tied to Salesforce, a company with little to no voter roll management experience, and ties to the World Economic Forum.

The voter roll contains information on each registered voter, including address, registration number, precinct and more.  It also lists the "Last Vote Date" meaning the last time the registration cast a vote, for during an election.   (e.g. Those who voted last during election day during the December 2022 Runoff Election would have a date of 12/06/2022 shown on their record.)

What’s the problem?   An independent analyst in Fulton County recently began checking voter rolls and found a shocking issue.  The “Last Vote Dates” in all Fulton voter roll records stop in 2021.  In addition, nearly 45% of registrations showed a Last Vote Date of 2011 or before.

The analyst found numerous other errors as well, but for this report we will focus on the "Late Vote Date."

In the last 48 hours, voter rolls from additional Counties including Cobb, Forsyth, Cherokee and Chatham have also been analyzed and the findings are the same.   No registrations show a history of having voted in 2022.

So to restate the findings:  ZERO of the voter registration records from some of Georgia’s largest Counties indicate a “Last Vote Date” anytime within 2022.    If one didn’t know people had voted in Primary, General and Runoff elections in 2022, it would otherwise appear that NO ONE voted.

How does this affect you? If you are a resident of any of the Counties analyzed so far and you voted during 2022, your voter record is being reported incorrectly.

Readers will recall that in testimony several weeks ago, Zach Manifold, Election Supervisor from Gwinnett County, disclosed that they were having issues with data coming from the GARVIS system and their department was concerned.

Some have said that their MyVoter page appears to correctly list their voting record, however this actually adds to the concern as it presents the question of how they could be reporting different information. In several cases in last 24 hours, voters have checked both sources and confirmed that each is reporting different information.

This latest data underscores the potential depth of the problem and should be of concern to all Georgia voters.  While Raffensperger and other State election officials continue to claim Georgia’s registration and election system is accurate and timely, this newly discovered data shows their conclusions are false.

Moreover, one wonders why more Counties aren't alerting the constituents to the existence of a problem that calls into question the ability to hold an accurate election in Georgia.

Analysis by County is shown in the following slides:

Fulton County

Forsyth County

Cherokee County

Cobb County

Chatham County

The Georgia Record encourages residents across all Counties to inquire of the Elections Department and Election Boards regarding their experience with GARVIS to date. Problems should be reported to the Secretary of State's Office.

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Staff Writer

The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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Mike Sabot

One can verify whether it's a database issue or a display issue in Garvis by checking your my voter page and looking at the voter participation history page. I suspect the data is in the database, just not being displayed in Gavis


Incompetence? Corruption? A little of both?

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