Georgia GOP Partnering With Numinar For "All Voter Outreach And Data Efforts" But Are There Questions About This DC Company?

October 24, 2023

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At the beginning of October, the Chairman of the Georgia GOP, Josh McKoon, announced a partnership with a company called Numinar.

McKoon states that Numinar will be involved in “all voter outreach and data efforts.”

The announcement included this statement:

Numinar CEO & Founder Will Long said, “Numinar is thrilled to be partnering with the GAGOP this cycle! We’re excited to put the most advanced campaign platform in the hands of volunteers, staff, and candidates in one of the most important states in this critical upcoming election.”

Given these glowing statements, The Georgia Record decided to find out more about Numinar.  Unfortunately some of what we found raises questions:

Numinar's website states they have served 400+ campaigns, reach 12M voters and that they were founded in 2019.

Also on their website Numinar lists their location as 1201 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA 22209

A search of their name and that address shows a building but no listing for Numinar.  The Numinar website does not list a phone number for the firm.


The building at this address does happen to list WeWork, a shared space provider often used part-time by firms who don’t have an office of their own. Does this include Numinar? We don’t yet know.

Screen capture from WeWork

A search of the Virginia Secretary of State Business registration website lists Numinar as Pending Inactive Reason for Status: “Annual Registration Fee Past Due and/or Penalties Unpaid and Annual Report Past Due Not in Good Standing”

.LINK to Virginia Secretary of State Website HERE


William Long - CEO

According to the Virginia Secretary of State filings, William Long is the CEO of Numinar.  His LinkedIn profile indicates he has been in this role since May 2019.

Before starting Numinar, Long's LinkedIn profile shows he worked for 8 months as Forward Deployed Software Engineering Intern with Palantir Technologies. Prior to that, Long spent 4 months working as Software Engineering Intern at Amazon.

Those two jobs total 12 months of experience prior to starting Numinar.


Numinar's website lists Rodger Schuermann as Head of Engineering:

The "IN" link below Schuermann's picture on Numinar's website takes you to Scheurmann's profile on LinkedIn. The profile makes no mention of Numinar. Schuermann is listed only as President "Synapsis Digital Services" Norman, Oklahoma.

Numinar's website includes an" Our Team" page:

Alex Garland - Data Scientist

McKoon's announcement specifies that the Georgia GOP will utilize Numinar for "voter outreach and data efforts."

It would seem Alex Garland, in the role of Numinar's Data Scientist could play an important role in that work.

Like Rodger Schuermann detailed above, Data Scientist, Alex Garland, doesn't list Numinar on his LinkedIn profile.

Additionally a search of the Open Secrets Donors website indicates that an Alex Garland has contributed to several Colorado and WI candidates, all of whom are listed as Democrats. Is this the same Alex Garland listed on Numinar's website? We don't know. An email sent to the Numinar company to inquire about this was unreturned at time of publication.

.Open Secrets search results below:

The remainder of the Numinar team lists tenure with Numinar ranging from 3 months to 32 months with an average of 16 months according to their LinkedIn profiles.

Together, these facts pose the question: Have Josh McKoon and the GA GOP done enough due diligence to trust Numinar with "all voter outreach and data efforts" for the 2024 elections?


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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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Last edited 1 year ago by Julia
James Lahey

I doubt that this is Numinar, my guess is that it's a type of cutout for Palantir. Palantir is very likely in bed with the three-letter agencies (hence all of the shady circumstances surrounding the Numinar business).

The more disturbing notion is that this is not about voter outreach, but rather data collection on political dissenters within the Republican Party.

Do not trust these people.

Mary Jo Alton

I am curious as to why you think Numinar is a cut out of Palantir. I looked up Palantir and didn't find a whole lot. But would like to hear your thoughts.


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