Hypocrisy - Where's the Equality? Not at City Hall

September 1, 2018

No Equality at the dais in Johns Creek City Hall.

The only Female on City Council is treated very differently. Lack of equality. Hypocrisy of what is promised and not delivered.

After 12 years, you'd think Mayor Bodker would have mastered the planning and execution of a budget. Yet, at the August 13th City Council Work Session, Mayor Bodker was not only late to the meeting. He arrived with an incomplete budget that no one on council had seen before.

In addition, it was "Hot off the Printer!"

Printer on fire

 Interestingly, at the August 27th City Council Work Session meeting, Staff presented their variance analysis that evening. The document of which was never provided to Council prior to the presentation. Several councilmen did not appear to have issues asking questions on the spot.

Rules Change

Incidentally, later in the same meeting, Councilwoman Stephanie Endres attempted to present her budget analysis but was stopped. She worked non-stop on it since the budget was presented 2 weeks prior. Even having questions from staff answered that day.

Mayor Bodker ordered Staff not to allow Councilwoman Stephanie Endres to put her document on the screen. In addition to not allowing her to present and discuss it during the meeting.

Wonder why there is few Women in Politics in America?

What's good for the goose isn't good for the gander?

In conclusion, why are the rules different for Councilwoman Stephanie Endres, than for Staff, Mayor & Councilmen? 

Where's the Equality? Not at Johns Creek City Hall.



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Staff Writer

The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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Georgeann L

Stephanie Endres is an Accountant by profession. She is certainly qualified to review a budget. I've attended JCCC meetings in the past and Bodker ALWAYS puts her down or cuts her off. I can't wait for him to be EX-mayor.

Thomas Corrigan

Historically speaking, why have the biggest disagreements for the Mayor have been with female Council members? Karen Richardson. Bev Miller and now Stephanie Endres.
The common thread being intelligent, independent thinking, strong willed individuals. Not rubber stamp pushovers.........is it a pattern?


I'm glad that Stephanie is on our Council. She is a true professional and public servant. Bodker is nothing more than a politician who's very insecure. It's also increasingly clear that all roads lead to Bodker, everything has to be his idea, and he's the anointed one that does all of the thinking. Gee whiz and give me a break. Keep on pushing Stephanie because there's a lot of folks out here that really appreciate what you do...


Thank you, Stephanie Endres for taking your fiduciary duties seriously. You are truly a person of character.

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