Is Spalding County Leading Georgia Toward Real Election Integrity?

June 28, 2023

Last evening Spalding County's Board of Commissioners reduced the Board of Elections budget by $85,000 and instructed the Board to take whatever action they need to including potentially moving to paper ballots instead of machines.

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Spalding County may soon be recognized as one of the first Georgia Counties to move away from the broadly distrusted voting machines and return to paper ballots, thereby leading the way for other Georgia Counties.

Last evening, in a 5-0 vote, the Spalding County Board of Commissioners voted to reduce the Board of Elections budget by $85,000. This reduction creates a situation for the Board of Elections which is charged with managing open, fair and transparent elections but now would have less funds necessary to cover the use of voting machines. The potential solution? Go to paper ballots.

Many will recall that the City of Milton voted several months ago to move away from elections using voting machines which were being administered by Fulton County. Milton made this decision after discovering a savings of $250,000 could be captured in just the first year.

Alex Johnson, a noted attorney and election law expert provided a letter from his firm Bernard & Johnson which was read into the record by the Spalding Vice Chair, James R. Dutton.

Voting machine concerns were surfaced in the last 20 days by the release of the Halderman report which details the multiple risks and potential for fraud inherent in security flaws which exist in the voting machines.

Spalding County also recently testified before the State Election Board, objecting to dismissal of a case showing that a ballot printed on what appeared to be a piece of notebook paper, was accepted by the scanner and counted as a valid ballot.

The next meeting of the Spalding Election Board will be on July 11. The Boards plans to address the needs of the elections in light of the reduction in budget are likely to be addressed at that meeting.

What will other Georgia Counties do now if Spalding shows that elections can be effectively be run while also reducing cost and increasing voter confidence? Many will be watching Raffenspergers reaction carefully to judge if the SoS wants free, fair transparent elections or continued use of flawed voting machines.

Seth Keshel, a nationally known advocate for election analysis and election integrity also weighed in on Spalding actions this morning through his substack. The Georgia Record follows and recommends Capt.. Keshels substack for timely insight on election integrity issues and actions across the U.S.

Spalding County, Georgia, Begins Push to Return to Paper Ballots - Full Summary (Click to go directly to Capt. Keshels substack.)

Capt. Seth Keshel -Substack

Topic: Elections

One day, people will learn I don’t tease an announcement of something big unless I know something big is going to happen.  The ages-old lesson of “you can please some of the people all the time, and all the people some of the time, but you’ll never please all the people all the time” applies here as well, as even in the face of good news, some are incapable of being content with a positive outcome.

Still, yesterday’s news out of Georgia is big news on a national level.  Spalding County, which lies just south of metro Atlanta, had a Board of Commissioners meeting yesterday evening, and wound up pulling the proverbial grenade pin on what will certainly bring about major legal battles between the Georgia Secretary of State and the county, and any other counties who would like to throw in with Spalding.

Map of Georgia highlighting Spalding County

The summary of the evening’s proceedings is as follows:

Commissioners push to defund electronic voting systems, removing $85,000 from the Election Board’s budget.

The board, in a 5-0 vote, gave its consent for the Spalding County Board of Elections to take whatever action they deem reasonably prudent to carry out open, fair and transparent elections, to include using paper ballots instead of the flawed machines.

The next Elections Board meeting will be held on this measure on July 11.

Spalding County Board of Elections recently testified at the State Election Board hearing to refute a dismissal of a case where the voting machines printed a ballot on what appeared to be notebook paper that was then accepted into the scanner as a cast vote.

This investigation is still underway as Kimberly Slaughter and her staff were not in violation of any wrongdoing, but reported the issue immediately and are, rightfully so, still demanding answers on what and how the machines were able to do this.

Alex Johnson, an elections expert of Bernard and Johnson, LLC, wrote a letter which was read into the record tonight by James R. Dutton, of Dutton & Dutton, LLC, in Griffin, Georgia, Vice Chairman of the Spalding County Board of Commissioners.


In the wake of the Halderman report’s release, which heavily criticized Secretary Raffensperger and outlined vulnerabilities of all electronic voting systems, including Georgia’s, Spalding County has acted decisively and quickly.  The county, according to my methodology, clocks in nearly 3,000 votes heavy for Joe Biden in 2020, meaning it would contain 24% of the margin between the two candidates statewide if my numbers are correct.  With fewer than 30,000 votes to process, the county should easily be able to run paper-only elections and count those ballots by hand at the precinct and have them reported accurately and in timely fashion.

Spalding, if this process is completed as expected on July 11, will join Shasta County, California, as counties that have acted to rid the county of the existing electronic voting process to return to simple, transparent, and auditable means of administering elections.  Transparency is key, and Spalding’s officials should be commended for listening to the voice of the people and stand as the only one of 159 counties in the Peach State to have progressed this far.  I hope their example will spread not only throughout the balance of what looms as perhaps the most critical state in the 2024 election, but nationwide.

You can thank the Board of Commissioners by going here.  Citizens Defending Freedom’s Holly Kesler played a key role in advising the board and relaying proceedings in real time for public consumption.

Author’s Note: Thank you for reading this newsflash and working in your counties to provide a more transparent elections process for our national future.  I appreciate your readership and would further appreciate your paid subscription if you are able to help support my cause.  Thank you.

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Bill spent 25+ years managing businesses in the Information and Technology sector. His career includes positions with Philips Electronics, CompuCom, AT&T and IBM. Since 2019 he has been investigating and researching business, health and political issues in order to make truthful information available to the American people.

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Would the citizens of Georgia forcefully "encourage" their county commissioners to support and enforce the use of paper ballots against the efforts of the turncoat sec state?
I would hope so.

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