It’s Time For Revival, Not Retribution

July 15, 2024
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Like many of us, I’m still digesting the assassination attempt on President Trump. I’d have crawled over broken glass to vote for him before this weekend, in case you were wondering. But there’s one thing I know – this is a pivotal moment in history.

God inarguably saved Trump’s life on Saturday; his RNC speech this week isn’t just a speech anymore. It’s one of THOSE moments in history. “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” (Genesis 50:20)

This was never just about Trump or Biden. This is Biblical chess unfolding on a global scale and like Outkast said, “Revelation’s getting impatient.” Before Saturday, the discussions were about Biden’s cognitive decline, the price of gas and groceries, WW3 ramping up, and leftists trying to tie Trump to a think tank’s memo on policy recommendations.

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But thanks to God’s providential protection, Trump lived. We witnessed a miracle. Not only that, Trump had the presence of mind to hit the ground immediately, and even though obviously in shock (my shoes!) he pumped a fist as his face dripped blood and told us to FIGHT. We know his fight or flight response! As a veteran, I can tell you that’s exactly what I want to see in my Commander in Chief. He’s 78 years old, just got shot, was tackled by half a dozen agents. His body must be bruised and sore. His eardrum probably exploded, part of his ear may be gone, and he likely has a headache that won’t quit. He’s probably dealing with a mix of shock, gratitude, guilt (3 people in that crowd took bullets meant for him, one dying as he used his body to protect his daughters) and hugging his family extra tight. He has millions of people praying him through.

He’s also the man God has obviously chosen for this moment in history. Teddy Roosevelt was shot with a bullet that went through a glasses case and speech and lodged in a rib (ironically in Milwaukee, where Trump is now). He took out the speech with a bullet hole in it and gave it. He also lost that election because he was primarying a guy he’d actually picked to succeed him and primaries were a new thing, wild story. But what would have happened next if JFK or Lincoln had survived their assassination attempts? If they’d given a huge speech just afterward?

I woke up this morning with this question on my mind. I’ve been pro-Trump since way before it was cool. It ain’t easy being MAGA in black Atlanta/Fulton County, GA. I still have my Black Voices for Trump t-shirt from the day Trump launched that effort here and I got to be in the room. It wasn’t easy watching our election here be stolen in slow motion in 2020, and to see not just the Dems but the RINOS in lockstep to cover it up. Hundreds of thousands of ballots are still missing. But I digress. My point is that whether MAGA, RINO, Independent, Dem, black, white, brown…whether concerned about gas/grocery prices, WW3, cost of childcare, etc…this is bigger than that now.

Trump’s speech this week isn’t just a speech. It’s a chance to change the course of history. Trump acknowledged what we all know at this point – God alone saved his life. God’s hand is on this moment. If I could advise President Trump right now on his convention speech, as he too processes these last few days, this is what I’d tell him.

Open with Brandon Lake singing ‘Gratitude.’ Share with the world your raw emotions and thoughts and lay it out as only you can. Give God the glory for what He’s done for you. Explain that He’s giving us a chance to Make America Godly Again, that we must turn back to Him to truly make America Great Again. Then have your family and VP and his/her family come out and flank you. If they’re able, the 2 survivors from Saturday and the widow/daughters of the man who was killed by a bullet meant for you. If you can get RINOs in Congress together this week, get Bannon and Navarro out of prison and have them join you next. LTG Flynn. Giuliani. Roger Stone. Kari Lake. Elon Musk. Steve Scalise. Rand Paul. MTG, Wes Hunt, Byron Donalds, Matt Gaetz, Speaker Johnson. Latinos 4 Trump. 50 Cent. Amber Rose. Charlie Kirk. Poso. Garrett Zeigler. Veterans kicked out the military for refusing genetic experimentation. And so on, until the stage is full of people who have been fighting alongside you faithfully and paid a heavy price for it.

Quote Lincoln – “I expect to maintain this contest until successful, or till I die, or am conquered, or my term expires, or Congress or the country forsakes me.” Then quote JFK – in his own words if audio or video is available – “what really counts is not the immediate act of courage or of valor, but those who bear the struggle day in and day out – not the sunshine patriots but those who are willing to stand for a long period of time.” Show a video of Dem icon John Lewis explaining Good Trouble: “Speak up, speak out, get in the way. Get in good trouble, necessary trouble, and help redeem the soul of America.” Show a picture of civil rights leaders standing with arms linked together on the Edmund Pettis bridge in Selma on screens behind all of you standing together on stage. And explain that at this moment in our history, we’ve moved past whether you’re a Democrat or Republican, black or white, or any of the other ways ‘they’ try to divide us. That this moment is about being willing to stand up together against the evil of our time to redeem the souls of not just every person in America but the soul of America itself. Because if we do our part, God will absolutely do His. And explain that even if they try to kill us, imprison us, start WW3, cancel us, persecute us, demonize us, they can’t kill MAGA because it is an idea, not a person. An idea that has caught fire and cannot be extinguished.

Then have faith leaders from across America come out and form a ring around all of you on stage, lay hands on you all. Have a Jewish one come and quote 2 Chronicles 7:14 – “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Have a Christian one give the plan of salvation and lead us all in prayer. And then close with Michael W. Smith singing ‘Surrounded.’ This is how we fight our battles.

You won’t just win an election. You’ll win souls. You’ll unite America at a pivotal and deadly moment in our history in a way that will protect Country, Constitution, Capitalism, Children for generations to come.

Mr. President, you are God’s man to lead us right now. Please allow God to lead you, and as always but even more now, you are in our prayers. We The People have got your six.



Alisha Houston

Alisha Houston is a 4th generation army veteran born in Alaska. After moving to Atlanta as a teen, Alisha went from Grady High to graduate on the dean's list from West Point as the Academy's 184th black female grad since 1802. Alisha served as a logistics officer both stateside and at NATO. Alisha is currently The Real Estate Rep and provides Concierge Residential Brokerage and sales Negotiation Services.

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A lack of consequences will just encourage the tierkulten to do it more and more. A "revival" isn't going to put a stop to the crimes of those that worship Satan.

Lila McGraw

But God will put a stop to the crimes of those who worship Satan. God already showed his power by saving President Trump so miraculously. Yes, a revival will stop Satan. He and his demons are already defeated. God answered our prayers of protection for President Trump. So God can work through a revival, too. God always wins.

[…] It’s Time For Revival, Not Retribution […]

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Surrender will not work, it never has. Our Enemy is the most powerful Enemy in history - the US government, with its allies in the media, Wall Street, Hollywood, and the universities.
They must be utterly defeated.

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