
Jay Lin - Did it Again! No Show at Another Important Meeting

January 28, 2016

Jay Lin - Did it Again! City Council held its Parks and Rec Strategic Plan Meeting Thursday at 6 pm.

A wealth of information was discussed. Here is a link to the 173-page document

Again, this is very disappointing Jay Lin did not attend this important meeting, and with no excuse provided to those that were in attendance.

All the other Council Members made time in their busy schedules to attend and participate. This meeting was scheduled for more than a month ago.

Jay Lin - Did it Again. He also missed an Executive Session, that followed the Park Plan Meeting.



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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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Who gets paid for NOT going to work.. Nobody I know.


Wow! I'm pretty shocked that he would be this lackadaisical. I thought he would make an excellent council member. I feel like he owes me an apology. Wish I had voted for Chris Coughlin instead.


I don't know really how or where I am supposed to make my comment. Does anybody know if the John's Creek Association is going to put out anything on the Michigan Left proposal. A friend of mine went to their big meeting earlier this week and said it was a big to-do but nothing substantial was said.

Carlos J Carbonell

Perhaps a good thing to add to the charter would be some sort of mechanism to control this, you miss x amount of meetings and don't fulfill your duties accordingly, you're out!
Shame on Jay Lin and shame on Mr. Yale (yeah, the one who asked the question about Mr. Coughlin's availability) seems his candidate's availability is not as good as he thought!


The City website has a link you can leave comments regarding the ThrU turn, or alternatively email the council at

[email protected]


oh no say it aint so. jay lin has got to go
unprofessional irresponsible his behavior is detestable


We would have been better off with Kevin the lottery goat.


It is impossible to find honest and quality people in politics.


I found Chris Coughlin to be of the finest quality. And if you have not seen Stephanie Endres representing you and your interests in both work sessions and council meetings, you are not paying attention.


Stephanie Endres has certainly raised the caliber of the council. What a waste of a seat that Jay Lin is holding.


Watching the work session live now. Note who is prepared and who is not, who is participating and who is not.

sick of the mayor

Anyone the major backs will be nothing more than a yes man to Bodker. That's it!!! Bodkey relies on folks he can intimidate.
Jay Lin will more than likely show up when/if one of his backers needs something passed.


We pulled his emails, and his excuse to the Mayor and Council was that the meeting was not on his calendar. We wonder if he read his emails that week, as he would have seen the email stating the agenda for the meeting was ready.

The City Clerk, Joan Jones, during both 1/11 & 1/25 meetings announced the Park Plan meeting, wonder if he heard then?

Jay also must not have spent the week prepping for the meeting, as the 173 page document was on the top of everyone else’s priorities.


I received this, supposedly written by J. Linn. Mr.J. is this true?

My wife and I celebrated our 28th anniversary on January 2. I was not able to attend the work session meeting on January 6th due to the planned out of town trip that we both were looking forward to after the election.
The Jan 28th work session meeting was scheduled back in December before I took office. And at the time I was not set up to receive email notifications from the city. I did receive over a hundred emails to my personal email address which included the email notification for 1/28 work session notice, but some emails went to spam box. Therefore the meeting was not put on my calendar. I take full responsibility of the oversight, and this is the meeting that I didn't want to miss.
In the next four years as I serve our city, I am positive that I will have one of the highest attendance record in the next four years.

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