Johns Creek and 141: What's Really Driving Our Traffic? Over the last few years, no road has been discussed more in Johns Creek as to what to do to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion than Medlock Bridge Road(or 141). The objective is to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion. It has always been this author's contention that unless we have defined the problem, we will not be able to select the right solution. I have witnessed the opposite. We start with a solution and then try to justify it.
It's important that we begin to cut through the many myths about the 141 corridors and study the facts instead. As the start of a multi-part series on this topic, I encourage you to review the pdf file attached in the link below. It will show you the volume of vehicles in each direction at every intersection along 141 from the split between Peachtree Parkway and Peachtree Industrial Blvd to McGinnis Ferry Road.
For example, you will see the total number of vehicles that are approaching an intersection, the numbers that travel through the intersection, the number of vehicles that turn left, right, or make a U-turn, etc.
I believe you will find the information by this data eye opening and thought to provoke. It will provide a new perspective on what is happening in and around our community as you travel to and from the City you call home.
From there we can begin an honest discussion on what is the best way to get you moving effectively in and around Johns Creek.
To help you become more familiar with the type of data we will be looking at, we will start with McGinnis Ferry and 141:
You can click on the image above to enlarge it if you desire. This image shows that over a 24-hour time frame, that 15,150 vehicles traveled south on from Forsyth County into Johns Creek. More than 2925 vehicles turned left to head towards Gwinnett County while 750 turned right, heading towards Alpharetta.
Additionally, you will see that of the 18,425 vehicles that traveled north on 141, 11,300 continued north while 1,200 turned right to head towards Gwinnett County and 2,850 turned left to head towards Alpharetta.
While it would be easy to say that all 15,150 of the vehicles heading southbound through the intersection at McGinnis Ferry into Johns Creek are residents from Forsyth County or beyond, it's easy to see why this may NOT be the case. Â Many residents of Johns Creek head north to shop at one of the many shopping areas north of McGinnis Ferry Road and return to Johns Creek heading south on 141Â It is easy to believe that residents along the 141 corridor in Johns Creek can and do make up a good portion of number of vehicles entering Johns Creek from Forsyth County.
Without a doubt, there are many things that could have and should have already been done to improve the traffic flow at this intersection. As you can see, the left turn lanes for North and Southbound have the highest left turn lane volume, but each only has one left turn lane.
What happens when you have two left-turn lanes North and Southbound on 141? Through traffic will get a green light sooner. The additional time could even be allocated to allowing more North and Southbound traffic to proceed during each light cycle.
That is something we should have already been thinking about and implementing. Take note the next time you drive through this intersection. You will see for yourself what is driving our traffic.
I encourage you to look at and interpret the data for yourself. See if you agree. And whether you agree or disagree, your comments are welcome.
Wolverton 141 GDOT Approved Study
Sources: Google & Wolverton
Questions I Encourage You to Ask Yourself: