Johns Creek Household Hazardous Waste Event - Registration Closed!

November 4, 2020
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Johns Creek Household Hazardous Waste Event - Registration Closed! 

The Johns Creek Residents ONLY Event for Household Hazardous Waste has reached capacity.

Saturday, November 7, 2020: 9 AM-1 PM.

Pre-registration was required, and they will NOT accept walk-ups.

For the health and safety of workers and volunteers, KNFB asks residents to please remain in your vehicle, and allow workers to remove items from your vehicle.  Face masks will be required.

Household Hazardous Waste Items Accepted:

  • Paint (Limit 10 containers, max 10 gallons combined; suggestions for paint disposal of additional gallons is available here)
  • ​Herbicides, Pesticides
  • Motor Oil, Anti-Freeze, Gasoline
  • Mercury (thermostats, thermometers)
  • Batteries and electronics (CRTs, monitors, etc.) *Note: No alkaline (AA, AAA, A, B, C, 9V) batteries, please. These can be safely disposed of in your regular trash.
  • Propane cylinders, Fire Extinguishers, Smoke detectors
  • Cooking Oils
  • Fluorescent bulbs

*Note: Please review these retailer/manufacturer take-back programs before bringing your TV or monitor to this event.   

What To Do About The Items We Do Not Accept


If your items are usable, try giving them away at  FreecycleLifecycle Building Center, or ReStore. If your items are not usable, check out the items that CHaRM (Center for Hard to Recycle Materials) takes in Atlanta, GA. Also, check with your contracted waste hauler to see if they take any of these items.  If you are not a resident of Johns Creek or Sandy Springs, check with your local county or city for recommendations.

Construction Debris

  • Chadwick Landfill is the closest facility. Call before you go 770.475.9868. 13700 Chadwick Farm Blvd. Roswell, GA, or try these other landfills.

 ? Motor fluids, including oils and coolants

 ? Sheet glass, plates, glasses, vases, and other glass

  • Donate, throw away, or visit Earth911 for the nearest collection facility.

 ? Household Hazardous Waste

  • ​Check out our calendar for upcoming events.
  • For information on the safe management of Household Hazardous Waste, and reducing HHW in your home, visit the EPA's website.

 ? Mattresses and Box Springs

  • If you remove the metal springs from the box springs, those can be recycled at our recycling center. Please bring only the metal springs and no other part of the mattress or box spring.  For the remaining parts, check with your waste hauler, or one of these landfills. 

 ? Needles/Sharps

 ? Paint

  • Try your local community, church, or school theater first to see if they need it, or try giving it away on CraigslistFreecycleNextdoor, or other social media outlets.
  • Use a paint solidifier, such as the ones featured HERE to quickly dry up your paint, then throw it away with your regular trash.
  • Fill with cat litter, shredded newspaper, or sand to solidify the paint and throw away with your regular trash.
  • ​For a fee, take it to Atlanta Paint Disposal, who will recycle it. Drop off locations are available in various locations around Atlanta.
  • Take it to the Center for Hard to Recycle Materials ​in Atlanta, who will recycle it. Fees are as follows:  first twenty-five pounds are free each additional pound is $.25. Check their website or call at 404-600-6386 for hours and more information.

 ? Plastics other than #1 and #2

  • Most places do not accept other plastics because there is not a strong commercial market for them at the moment. Visit Earth911 for the nearest collection facility.

 ? Polystyrene (Styrofoam)

  • Most places do not accept styrofoam. Visit Earth911 for the nearest collection facility.

 ? ​Tanks of any kind--propane/helium/other

  • Try returning the item to the retailer.
  • Read this.

 ? Tires

  • Places that sell tires usually accept old ones. Contact your local tire provider.

Yard Waste

  • We recommend composting.
  • Note: In March 2011, the Georgia Legislature lifted a ban on disposing of yard trimmings in lined landfills. Therefore, many residential curbside waste haulers are now collecting yard waste, even if they did not in the past. Check with your waste hauler to see if they collect yard trimmings. Otherwise, yard trimmings can be taken to the Chadwick Landfill, call before you go - 770.475.9868




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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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