Mystery Letter Solved? Several City Council Members, candidates and citizens received bizarre letters in the mail. Below is the one Councilman Bob Gray received.

In reviewing campaign documents from public records requests, particular handwriting displays striking similarities. We've tried multiple times to confirm, to no avail.
Nazeera Dawood's Campaign Manager, Craig Kidd posted an identical letter on Facebook with the following statement below.
As Craig Kidd alluded to, the author of this letter did not deserve to win and ultimately did not win.
Instead, his efforts attempt to cast doubts about a legitimate candidate for being the author of the letter when they obviously didn't.
Voters have no tolerance for this type of letter, blame game, personal dramas, race card or other campaign tactics which we are seeing.
Johns Creek Post would like to focus on the issues of importance. Which candidates have better ideas for local governance?Â
Craig Kidd - Will you allow your Candidate Nazeera Dawood to participate in the next "Ask the Candidates" Questionnaires?
Do you think the Mystery Letter is Solved?
Hot dog! Arun Misra? Another Indian wrote this about an Indian, wow!
Will the most qualified and honest candidate Stephanie Endres, who was maliciously libeled and slandered by JB Vick(a senile dog who barks like a faux pit bull) on Craig Kidd's Facebook page... sue his geriatric butt for defamation?
P.S. "Negative Campaign" manager Mark Rountree has "liked" it... and the coward who owns that page has deleted JB Vick's comment from the post! Don't worry, I have photo shots!!!!
Not defending "miserable" Misra here. Just asking if anything he has stated in his "anonymous" hit piece is wrong.
1. Is Nazeera a Muslim?
2. Has she ever spoken during campaigning(on video) of being the niece of the infamous Dawood Ibrahim?
3. Does she have a PhD or an MD? Then why call herself a doctor when she lives in the USA and cannot practice here and has NEVER held a job in the US that requires a medical degree.
4. Has she been divorced MULTIPLE times? Has she abandoned kids from previous marriages and taken off?
5. Has she been treated for mental issues? Has she been to psychiatric counseling as late as this year?
6. Has she cheated on her spouses while married?
7. Are there more revelations that will embarrass the good citizens of Johns Creek?
To be continued...
I don't know any of those answers about Nazeera Dawood.
And I don't want to speculate.
What I do know.
However, Ms. Dawood has danced around questions and does not answer any question directly. Nor has she voted or been involved in politics here in JC until now?!
I don't want us to vote for another community organizer or another untested person who we have no information on but her words. And even then they don't match up to what she actually does.
With that, my vote is NOT for Dawood and will be for Endres.
I find Ms. Endres a little off putting but she is the most qualified. She also mirrors my values -- I just wish she had better bedside manners.