Once Again, Ranked Choice Comes Carpet-Bagging To Georgia Under The Assumed Name "Instant Runoff"

December 13, 2023
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Former Rep Scott Turner

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After Ranked Choice voting got a big push back last year and failed, The Georgia Record published that we expected it would be tried again this year.

Apparently that process is beginning and should make voters very concerned.   We wrote extensively last year quoting experts on the the false premises presented by Ranked Choice voting (which goes by other names in an attempt to hide its true nature from voters.)

The globalists who back this style of voting should be enough to make informed citizens understand that it's not a good thing. Soros and others have invested millions and getting it approved in other states and locations. 

Last year the Republican National Committee issued a resolution against ranked choice voting across the country.

“WHEREAS, The Republican National Committee has unanimously opposed complicated election schemes like Ranked Choice Voting that is a clear example of the chaos being pushed on our states and territories; therefore, be it Resolved…”

Hans A. von Spakovsky, a noted expert in election law, stated "Ranked choice really should be referred to as rigged choice, since it effectively disenfranchises voters and allows marginal candidates not supported by a majority of voters to win elections." 

Who’s now pushing Ranked Choice on Georgia’s voters:

An organization founded by former Rep Scott Turner called Eternal Vigilance Action.  

The name “Ranked Choice” is often avoided because so many voters have learned its many risks and vulernabilities.    In this case Eternal Vigilance calls it “Instant Runoff” voting.


And who of our "Reprsentatives is backing this "Instant Runoff" scheme?

Eternal Vigilance will hold an “Awards Ceremony Today” in an attempt to cast a good light on those reps espousing Ranked Choice (or Instant Runoff) voting.

If you have comments for these reps you may reach them at their numbers below:

Houston Gaines(404) 656-5025[email protected]
Randy Robertson(404) 656-0045[email protected]
Joseph Gullett(404) 656-0178[email protected]
Clay Pirkle(404) 656-5912[email protected]
Debbie Buckner(404) 656-0116[email protected]
Stacey Evans(770) 710-4087[email protected]
John Lahood(404) 656-5105[email protected]
Max Burns(404) 463-1376https://www.legis.ga.gov/members/senate/4979/contact
Mary Margaret Oliver(404) 377-0485[email protected]

To learn more about Ranked Choice see our reports on the scheme listed below:

As Suspected In Recent Weeks, Ranked Choice Voting Raises it's Ugly Head In Georgia

Is Raffensperger Playing Possum With Ranked-Choice Voting for Georgia?

Georgia House Representative Withdraws Sponsorship For Ranked Choice Voting Bill HB 200




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Staff Writer

The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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I'll guarantee if it can be made crooked Georgia will be all for it. Our " representatives " will do as they are told by our dictator, I mean governor or secretary of state.

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