REGENERATE, DON’T OPERATE!!! PRP Injections - Now Available

December 18, 2020
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Dr Shelton PRP Injections

PRP Injections can be performed in joints, muscles,  tendons, and ligaments all over the body. Sports injuries, arthritis, low back pain, degenerative disc disease, and more specific injuries. Including tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, ACL tears, rotator cuff tears, plantar fasciitis may all be effectively treated with PRP.

Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP is blood plasma with concentrated platelets. The concentrated platelets found in PRP contain huge reservoirs of bioactive proteins, including growth factors that are vital to initiate and accelerate tissue repair and regeneration. These bioactive proteins initiate connective tissue healing: bone, tendon, and ligament regeneration and repair, promote the development of new blood vessels and stimulate the wound healing process.

PRP is a supercharged cocktail of growth factors from a simple venous blood draw that when injected may accelerate you to recovery. PRP is one of the latest and most progressive treatments for those wishing to improve the health of their joints without surgery. If you dread surgery on your knees, ankles, shoulders, hips, and hands and want to maintain your active lifestyle, PRP may be for you.

This novel approach that uses the inherent healing and regenerative process found in a patient’s own body is a supercharged “cocktail” of healing factors (growth factors found in the patient’s platelets) which are being used to treat various orthopedic conditions.

Dr. Shelton has been using PRP injections in the office for about 5 years. His patients occasionally return for a repeat procedure, but overall he has a tremendous success rate.

What Is The PRP Process?

Blood is drawn from the patient. The Blood is then placed into a centrifuge and separated into red blood cells, plasma, white blood cells, and platelets. Platelets and some white blood cells are suspended in plasma and form a concentration of platelets in a small amount of plasma. Finally, PRP is injected into the affected site.

PRP acts as an anti-inflammatory and attempts to recruit white blood cells to clean up damaged tissue. It recruits stem cells from the blood and nearby tissue and stimulates them to secrete their healing extracellular matrix. It also modulates the arthritic process and potentially may reverse it.

PRP Candidates

Patients who have cartilage, tendon, and ligament injuries or degeneration may be a good candidate. Especially those that do not want any surgical intervention.

Currently, non-operative treatments include anti-inflammatory pills, injections of steroids, injection of “lubricating fluid” called viscosupplementation, physical therapy, and possibly bracing.

Oftentimes these options have failed the patient or they do not want any steroid injection. Some simply feel better about using their bodies’ own regenerative potential. Shoulders, knees, ankles, hips, feet, elbows, hands, and even some spine conditions may be amenable to treatment with PRP.

In addition, PRP may eliminate the need for more aggressive treatments such as long term medication or surgery as well as offer a remarkable return of function.

Dr. Shelton is currently offering a special half-off PRP treatment. Now $1000, regular cost $2000.

Shelton Sports and Spine Regenerative Orthopedics
4300 Pleasant Hill Rd, Suite A
Duluth, GA 30096

Call Dr. Shelton at (770) 380-8000


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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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