The Amicalola Falls Experience Hasn't Changed In 45 Years

December 30, 2023

My family had 'Christmas in Dixie' this year and enjoyed a week in the North Georgia mountains, my old stomping ground from high school days and beyond.

One of the highlights of the week was a trip to Amicalola Falls, where we got some exercise climbing the 400+ steps to the top, then enjoyed the views from the lodge.

I had visited the falls decades before in my younger days, and felt a stab of deja vu -- it all looked completely the same, with a few upgrades to the trail.

The falls are almost 800 feet tall and as the highest falls in GA, is considered one of the seven wonders of Georgia.

The name "Amicalola" is derived from a Cherokee language term ama uqwalelvyi, meaning "tumbling waters, writes Wikipedia.

I did notice many more nationalities enjoying the outdoors this time -- Indians, Latinos, and Asians marveled at the views with me.

Nature speaks to all.

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L Todd Wood

L. Todd Wood is the CEO of Creative Destruction Media. He's also been a longtime national security columnist for the Washington Times, and other large publications. Visit

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Welcome back to beautiful North Ga!

Stefan Bartelski

Call me and stop by, if you have time

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