The "Four Corners" Of School Shootings

September 5, 2024
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We need to call out what is really going on - a strategy to desensitize, instill hopelessness, and seize guns

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Guest post by John Mills

Another School Shooting, another attempt to seize guns.

If we’re going to address these occurrences we need to honestly discuss and place all the evidence on the table - nothing gets taken off because someone has a meltdown. We need to address causal factors, not symptoms.

There are four commonalities between all these “mass shootings”. Once again, the shooter was “on the FBI Radar Screen” which is codeword for Deept Staters creating a problem and then using it go grow government and take away individual rights and liberties.

Here are the four corners of the box we are being placed in:

  • Mental Health issues - one of the most common intersections with “mass” shootings (I question the “mass shooting” moniker, it has been manipulated). There is a strong connectivity between Mental Health issues and use of any form of weapon for death and destruction. But we are not allowed to talk about this as a causal factor.
  • Dysphoria - potentially a sub-component of mental health, but this needs to be called out separately. The phenom more precisely is Transgenderism, conditioned, exploited behavior. TikTok is tailored delivery of positive and negative confirmation leveraging the “trigger points” of an individuals behavior. China is creating a digital twin of everyone which includes a sophisticated psychological profile that conditions the Trans personalities. The Nashville shooter’s manifesto has been hidden and spiked because it reveals the twisted and warped mental state of the Dysphoric. But we are not allowed to talk about this as a causal factor.
  • Big Pharma - The drugging of America is in high gear. The COVID Vaccine created more Big Pharma billionaires than any other event. Big Pharma creates a problem then creates a pill. RFK is spot on in his analysis. But we are not allowed to talk about this as a causal factor.
  • Gun Free Zones - signage is all important in lawsuits. The “Gun Free Zone” signs indemnify the School Systems, the Police, and Big Government. These signs are the trigger for conditioned Dysphoric individuals to carry out their violence. We need to flip this dynamic and hold the Randi Weingarten Mafia to account. Why do those with mental health and/or dysphoria issues zero in on “Gun Free Zones”, because there are a lot of unarmed victims placed in a nice, neat holding compound.

I’m interested in causal factors, not symptoms. The ultimate agenda is seizing guns and creating a national police force. Ask Australia and Canada how that is working out.

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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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