Traffic Trumps Concern at Meeting with Urban Design

February 16, 2015

The task for the Citizens was "Dotmocracy".


Each table had a map of the study area and was instructed to place "red dots" on the areas they did not like and "green dots" on the areas they liked. "Blue dots" were for areas that could be improved.

Many Citizens took issue with the Maps used for the task. 1/3 of the map was of Forsyth County. It was outdated and did not show all that has been built, rezoned and the mass deforestation abutting Tech Park for 650 home subdivision.

The map also failed to include an outline of parcels & overlay of retail, vacancy, occupancy, etc.

Traffic Congestion dominated much of the discussion. Citizens are highly concerned at what more development will do to the crowded roads.

Remaining a Bedroom Community was also a Hot Topic.

Many Citizens rebuffed at the potential Urbanization and becoming a 'Mini Buckhead'.

Adding nightlife near the multiple 55+ Senior residents (Brookhaven, Easthaven, Ashwood Meadows) was also a concern.

Johns Creek is sought after as a desirable residential community and many do not want to change.

The motive for this "District" is to generate $139 million to cover 10 years of Capital Needs:

- Transportation Improvements

- Park Improvements

- Paving

- Police/Fire Vehicle replacements

- Storm Water Improvements

-Citizen Questions from the Meeting

  • If 80% of this area is already developed, (half is vacant) where is the demand to finish that 20% today?
  •  Can Citizens vote for a tax increase to maintain the quality of life that drew us here in the first place?
  • When did the efficient use of private property become the role of government?
  • What are the densities needed to achieve the level of business development?
  • Public hearings in June followed by a vote in June, isn't this very fast?
  • Is it the business of the Government to become Land Developers?
  • Why was this presented as the only solution to our problem?
  • Many commercial areas are empty. Was this really needed?

Many citizens seemed positive about having a quaint 'City Center', a designated area for municipal building, town square, restaurants & boutiques. Suwanee Town Center was frequently mentioned as a desirable development.
The images of previous projects by Urban Design Associates and other firms to critique were displayed on the wall. Most feedback indicated that Glass, Cement, sky-rises, and Urban buildings were Not desired.


Desire to see Traditional southern architecture, with an emphasis on water: creeks, waterfalls and ponds along a walkway with patio dining were positively marked in the feedback.

The City stated it is in the process of putting all these maps and images on its website for more citizen feedback.

Room was filled with citizens, in a well photographed event.


All 3 City Communications Staff: (Grant Hickey, Doug Nurse & Jen Chapman) continually took photographs for the 1.5hr meeting.

One participant expressed concern over the amount of images the Government employees were taking and if it was for facial recognition programs that was documented by an article in the NY Times.

There was no public statement or disclosure from the City as to why so many photographs of the event were needed, or why tax dollars were utilized this way.



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Staff Writer

The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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[…] the Community Meeting with Urban Design Associates, the topic of Standard Club was […]

John Galt

I averaged 13.7 mph this evening from State Bridge and Medlock Bridge to Emory Johns Creek at 6:00 pm today.

There were no wrecks. No incidents.

Traffic like this will kill this city. Thinking about trying to bring in more traffic will kill it even faster.

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