Why Syria? Why Now?

December 16, 2024

Jihadi Conversion on the Road to Damascus? Really?

Abu Mohammed al Jolani

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If you have been trusting the mainstream media to help you understand what-the-heck just happened in Syria, forget it. They are never going to tell you the truth. Doing so would blow a narrative that they have been helping to spread for decades.

Here’s the situation. Vladimir Putin will not allow western business interests to control the largest national land mass on the planet, that being Mother Russia, unless the planet blows up first. After that, hey, they can have it. Those same business interests seized control of the US Government several decades ago, their ability to maintain control cemented into place by the McCain-Feingold Campaign Reform Act. McCain-Feingold, enacted in 2002, allows corporations to contribute unlimited funds to PACs and SuperPACs, legal entities created under the act, and which effectively operate as middlemen in a campaign donation money-laundering scheme.

Money buys elections. Western business interests have all the money they need for that purpose. With few exceptions, the McCain-Feingold scheme allows US business interests to select our DC representatives and senators. Legislators who do not do as they are told, will soon be replaced by those who will. That’s how this works. The late George Carlin aptly described those interests, as a “Big Club,” to which you and I do not belong.

Those who truly control the US Government, at least until Trump, they being “Big Club” international business interests, do not like Vladimir Putin, and for no other reason than they cannot control him, or Russia, and therefore cannot seize Russia’s strategic resources without trading real value for them. Putin sees his job as protecting Russia against all seeking to destroy its government, steal its national resources and make Russia a virtual colonial property of a worldwide corporate consortium, as are most other countries in the world.

That consortium goes by several names. Carlin called it the “Big Club.” Some call it the “New World Order.” Some, rather use the term, “Liberal World Order.” Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Dmitry Lavrov, along with China and others seeking to operate outside of the Big Club’s arbitrary international rules, reference this very real association of western corporate interests as the “Rules-Based International Order.”

Donald Trump calls the resulting US political order, acting as the Big Club’s representatives in Washington DC, the DC “Swamp.” Others call that association of Big Club representatives in the US Government, the “Deep State.”

For several decades, political actors representing the Rules-Based International Order, or choose your term, have advocated the ultimate takeover of what can be considered no less than the entire planet, to include Mother Russia, using US military-industrial might, and the people’s tax dollars, to underwrite the effort. What I describe is a privately-owned and operated system of one-world governance. Donald Trump emerged last decade largely combating that effort and purposed to restore the constitutional order of the American republic, which if successful would hand the US Government back to the American people, wresting control from the so-called, Big Club. Below, Trump exhorts supporters to aid in that effort and “never surrender.” Surrendering would mean the American republic would find itself unrecoverable.

Importantly, however, the swamp learned long ago against using US military personnel to accomplish their military objectives. In Vietnam, they witnessed that the American people would quickly lose interest in foreign military ventures with their sons and daughters dying for no apparent American national interests, only business interests.

The Big Club soon recognized that the American people will much more likely tolerate the use of proxy states, such as Ukraine, and proxy fighters, mercenaries hired and equipped to war against whomever the Big Club wants to destroy next, than to send their own loved ones to die in foreign lands. While Americans certainly notice their own children either MIA, or KIA in lands faraway, they hardly notice it when their tax dollars are used to accomplish that same goal.

Local US Representative Rich McCormick has expressed willingness to use hard-earned US tax dollars to purchase various high-priced weapons systems to blow up and kill people in Ukraine, while at the same time expressing unwillingness to send his own sons to fight in that war, one which involves no real American national interests.

Representative McCormick is what many call a “Neocon,” short for “Neoconservative.” Neocons are neither new, as the term might otherwise lead one to expect, nor are they conservative. That term was created to lure unsuspecting conservative-minded Americans to assemble among neocon ranks and become hawks for war, coming to believe that being a war hawk is part of political conservatism.

Neocons, however, do not care how much tax money the US Government uses to enrich the wealthy business interests to whom George Carlin referred. As the comedian contended, politicians such as McCormick are in the “back pockets” of those wealthy business interests in the Big Club. Their job is to lead the American people to believe that wars funded by the federal government with American tax dollars, resulting in millions of lives lost and entire countries destroyed, are worth it to protect the American people. You will know a neocon is speaking when he or she utters, “We can either fight them over there, or fight them over here,” expecting that the American people will continue to fall for that ruse, as they have been for many decades. Perhaps the American people are beginning to awaken. But, on that, the jury is still out

Ukraine, a Natural Gas Conduit Between Russia and Europe

Here is a map of the former sovereign state of Ukraine:

Russian Gas Pipelines Through Ukraine to Europe

Prior to Ukraine being destroyed by nearly three year war with Russia, that nation had been known as “Europe’s breadbasket.” Across its farmlands stretched numerous enormous natural gas pipelines, the nation becoming a veritable conduit for Russian gas to be transported in trade between Russia and Europe. Europe is not blessed with natural gas of its own, certainly not enough to service the needs of its people and a growing industrial base. Europe has therefore depended on Russia for its energy for many years, a situation repugnant to Big Club sensibilities.

As the Russia-Ukraine war broke out and US sanctions intensified, Putin countered, declared a policy in which “unfriendly nations” would have to pay for Russian gas using Russian currency, the “ruble.” No more dollars or Euros would Russia ingest in exchange for natural gas.

Putin, however, left open a trading window at Gazprombank to exchange dollars and euros, at a highly favorable exchange rate for the rubles necessary to purchase Russian gas. In essence, Putin charged unfriendly nations a premium to buy natural gas. Most recently, however, due to the latest round of economic sanctions imposed on Russia by the US, at this point Russia will no longer take dollars and euros, even through the Gazprombank window. To purchase Russian gas, Europe must now obtain rubles from sources outside of Russia, causing, for example, the nations of Europe to scramble for the Russian currency as the depths of winter approach. Putin’s maneuver leverages the value of Russian rubles on the international market.

Wealthy business interests calling the shots determining US policy, do not care what US policy toward Russia does to energy-consuming Europeans. Members of the Big Club do not care whether Europeans heat their homes during the winter. They do not care whether local European businesses remain open. The Big Club only wants one thing, to hurt Russia and diminish its power, both militarialy and economically.

When western business and financial interests cannot create dollars out of thin air, and trade them for what they want, they use them to buy politicians instead, politicians, maybe such as Representative McCormick, for example, legislators on whom they can count to vote for the US Government to borrow those same dollars, and use them to purchase more and more and more weapons, purposed to blow up and break more and more and more things, such as it takes to maintain the killing fields in Ukraine in a US proxy war against Russia. Western business interests believe that if they blow up and break enough things, including as many Russian lives as possible, they can weaken Russia, and ultimately force Putin to acede to western demands, the Big Club’s final purpose being to force Russia to give up resistance and allow their country to be absorbed into the western “rule-based order,” just as Syria was last week.

That is not going to happen, at least until the circumstances might radically change. Short of Russia surrendering to western authority, the Big Club will attempt to replace Putin with one of its puppets, an individual who will do what they say, just like they did during the CIA regime-change operation in Ukraine a decade ago, an event which began a downhill slide toward the war presently playing out in the former European breadbasket.


Why Syria Is So Important, the Qatari Pipeline

Here is another map for you to consider:

Notice where Qatar is, way down at the bottom. Qatar, although a tiny emirate, possesses the third largest natural gas reserves in the world, after Russia and Iran. Qatar would like to sell its gas to Europe, and would agree to sell it in exchange for Wall Street dollars, except Qatar has no economical way to transport its product to Europe. Russia can sell and transport gas to Europe much cheaper than Qatar, even figuring the inflated cost of rubles to the “unfriendly countries” of Europe.

The problem for Qatar and the western business interests who control the gas-rich state is two-fold. First, the land mass of Iraq is positioned directly in the way of a Qatari pipeline. Iraq will not allow one to cross its territory. Weakened by more than two decades of fighting, Iraq now finds itself under the dominating political influence of Iran. Iran has no interest in allowing a Qatari gas pipeline through Iraq to Europe, making things easier for its major competitor.

Until recently, Iran held the same influence, allying with Russia, over Syria. Syria’s leader, Bashar Assad had blocked a Qatari pipeline from cutting through its sovereign territory for many decades. All that time, the ability to prevent Qatari gas from being piped directly to the European energy market through a Syrian roadblock has been the glue maintaining a strategic reliance between Russia, Iran and Assad’s Syria. Now, however, because of the fall of the Assad regime, Assad’s influence to block a Qatari pipeline, is effectively over, and so is the Russia-Syria-Iran alliance.

Assad’s commitment to block a Qatari pipeline has provided the motivation for Putin to commit Russian military assets to help protect the Assad regime all these years. Once a Qatari pipeline might become operational, Europe will no longer need Russian gas. It’s that simple. So Putin has been keeping Assad in power for the last decade largely to block the natural gas pipeline, which if built would severely, adversely affect vital Russian economic and strategic interests.

Thus, for Qatar to gain access through Syria to convey its gas to Europe, Assad had to go. And that is what all the fighting in Syria has been about all this time. The Big Club has been working on taking down Assad, one way or the other, for twenty years and more. Those interests needed to absorb Syria under their control and establish a western puppet government friendly to their purposes. And that is what just happened.

US Intelligence Using Islamic Mercenaries to do Their Dirty Work

If you have been living under the rock they call the mainstream media, you may not realize that the various violent Islamic fundamentalist organizations, al Qaeda, ISIS and others, are simply mercenaries for hire by national and international intelligence agencies gone rogue, organizations such as the CIA, Mossad, MI6 and others. Those intelligence agencies recruit them, hire them, train them, equip them, transport them, and order them to execute whatever task they may have in mind. In so doing, western nations such as the US can deny any role in fomenting violent uprisings around the world.

Many times, those mercenary organizations with an Islamic jihad flavor, are given a task of executing regime-change operations. One such operation played out in 2011 when certain so-called “Libyan rebels” (really al Qaeda terrorists) overthrew and murdered Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi. Those events did not constitute a Libyan civil war, as portrayed. Those events constituted a western regime change operation carried out by hired Islamic mercenaries, recruited and trained by the CIA, after which, as you will recall, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton famously cackled, “We came, we saw, he died.”

Notice Hillary cackled, “WE came, WE saw, HE died.” Do not be confused by any of this. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton authorized a CIA operation to remove Qaddafi from power and seize control of Libya, and all Libyan oil resources, resources which have been essentially stolen ever since by dollars created out of thin air by Wall Street banks.

That’s how this works. Qaddafi had to go because he was on the cusp of organizing the African states to begin using a gold-backed currency, an African dinar which would be necessary to purchase African natural resources. That would eventuality require Wall Street banks to purchase those resources using gold, rather than dollars on computer screens created at-will. And that is why Qaddafi is no longer with us. Hillary and Barack gained their power and positions in the world much the same way, western business interests paved their ways into power with dollars created out of thin air in exchange for doing their bidding.

The so-called “Libyan rebels” caravaned through the town of Sirte on the way to Tripoli to take down Qaddafi. We noticed they are flying al-Qaeda flags on the backs of their 50 cal-equipped Toyota battle wagons.

Ambassador Stevens Dies Running Guns To ISIS

Having completed the Libyan overthrow, Hillary issued orders to round up the weapons issued to al Qaeda mercenaries in Libya, and ship them to Turkey, from where they would be funneled to eastern Jordan, at which point another army of Islamic mercenaries, soon to become ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) was being trained and armed. You might recall the date, September 11, 2012, when those same al Qaeda mercenaries, responsible for overthrowing Qaddafi, murdered among several American heroes, Ambassador Stevens, the unfortunate US State Department official Hillary ordered the task of rounding up weapons and shipping them across the Mediterranean, anticipating those weapons next to be used to take down Syrian leader Bashar al Assad. She discovered the hard way, however, that Islamic mercenaries do not like having their weapons taken away…but alas, “What difference at this point does it make!!”

It makes a huge difference. And, by the way, you and I, and the rest of the American people have been paying for all that I describe.

Barack and Hillary Create ISIS

Once ISIS forces training in Jordan were ready for to go, Barack and Hillary ordered them unleashed, half heading to Baghdad (that is because the Iraqi Government had recently ordered US forces out of the country), the other half to Syria where they would team up with others to take down the Assad government.

OK, I admit having a little fun with this one

Recently, Columbia Professor Jeffrey Sachs spoke confirming in his own way all that I just laid out, and then some. Sachs confirmed the fact that US foreign policy has included using the very mercenaries the US Government claims were responsible for 9/11, to take down foreign governments. What does that tell you about 9/11?

Below we see the late Senator John McCain hanging out with terrorists, including former ISIS head, the deceased Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, whom you will recall Trump sent special forces to take out.

And below you will see former US Congressman, former Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, in a selfie with #5 above, Mouaz Moustafa. Perhaps you now know why President Trump never got along with either McCain or Ryan.

I really hate being the one to break all this to some of you…

The End Game for the Big Club

Building a Qatari gas pipeline to Europe is still not the ultimate Big Club goal. The pipeline is merely a partial means aiding toward the end game of isolating and weakening Russia for eventual absorption into the international system. When Europe no longer needs Russian gas, Europeans will no longer need Russian Rubles. Instead, Europe will need US dollars to buy Qatari natural gas, and will trade for those dollars using Euros. If Russia has no euros or dollars with which to trade for goods on the international market, they will have to produce those goods domestically, or perhaps simply do without. Recently, Tucker Carlson sat down with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, and the very subject of Russian isolation came up. Here is how Lavrov responded:

Lavrov says, “ What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” He says, “it is better to develop platforms for cooperation with other countries who are not unfriendly to you.” Lavrov references the BRICS trading platform, and the potential development of a BRICS trading currency. (BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). A BRICS currency and trading platform would attempt to rival the US dollar and the western SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) system. Once the Qatari pipeline becomes operational, European gas imports from Russia will drop dramatically, if not totally, at which time the Russian economy will suffer to whatever degree gas exports provide vitality. But, again, to make that pipeline happen, Bashar Assad had to go.

On November 30th, President-elect Trump communicated on the notion of a BRICS currency crowding out the US dollar in international trade, and what he would do to combat such an attempt:

Trump let the world know that he will use America’s economic strength to punish nations who attempt to trade around the US dollar, using import tariffs as his weapon. Notice, however, Trump’s use of a strategy of negotiating from economic strength to win back nations to use the dollar. Trump will not launch wars to force nations to do the same, as have his predecessors.

Islamic Mercenaries Take Road to Damascus and Walk In Unopposed

But here is where things get interesting. From all reports, Syria’s Assad regime crumbled without a fight. That has never happened. Hordes of Islamic mercenaries such as the Big Club has used to take down governments for many years, this time just walked in, sat down behind Assad’s desk, and lit a cigar. Assad’s foreign minister peacefully handed the keys to Syria over to the newly-appointed Syrian puppet Prime Minister, Mohammed al-Bashir.

Bashir had been appointed by a group (HTS) led by Abu Mohammed al Jolani.

So, who is this fellow, al Jolani?

Al Jolani is considered a terrorist and his name sits prominently on the the US terrorist watch list “due to his past links with al Qaeda.” The US Government has offered a $10 million reward for his capture. This is the man presently in control of Syria. So, how did al Jolani seize control of Syria and walk right in to the capital of Damascus? And why should anyone trust him given his previous life as an Islamic terrorist?

According to the “former terrorist,” the success of his movement is due to (1) clear communication, and (2) adherence to commands. Al Jolani gave those factors as the reasons the “revolution has transitioned from chaos and randomness to a state of order.” Perhaps you recognize that al Jolani’s remarks correlate to certain basic laws governing the physical universe. Let’s talk about that because understanding what he related during that interview might inform us as to who Abu Mohammed al Jolani really is.

So, stay with me on this. According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, “all closed systems tend toward an equilibrium state in which entropy is at a maximum and no energy is available to do useful work.” Another word for “entropy” is “randomness,” a term al Jolani used during the interview. The Second Law of Thermodynamics means that unless ENERGY is introduced into an otherwise closed system, that energy therefore arriving from OUTSIDE OF THE SYSTEM, entropy, or randomness, will automatically increase to a maximum state given a particular system under consideration. To illustrate, just look out of your window. This time of year I expect you will see a random display of leaves flying through the air or strewn across the ground. You know that the state of randomness you see will continue and increase unless energy arrives from outside of the system, in the form of a rake, or a leaf blower, and and a source of intelligence, meaning you, to apply those tools in such a way as to “transition” those leaves “from chaos and randomness to a state of order.”

Al Jolani’s remarks inform us that he is western educated. After all, he understands the Laws of Thermodynamics. He says he owes his movement’s success to “clear communication and adherence to commands.” In that remark, al Jolani informs us that he and his forces are trained militarily. Bringing his forces “from chaos and randomness to a state of order,” is what occurs in boot camps, and doing so with “clear communication and adherence to commands,” can only mean that intelligent energy has been imparted to the HTS movement. We thereby know that certain, wealthy business interests and/or states have seen to it that much MONEY (a form of potential energy) has been poured (potential energy released into the closed system from outside of the system) into training and equipping al Jolani’s jihadi associates.

In other words, the HTS movement is not itself a random or spontaneous occurrence. The HTS movement is not, as they say, “organic.” The HTS takeover was a result of much thought, much military planning, much preliminary field activity necessary to shape the battlefield for operational success, and finally, much propaganda messaging to control public perceptions of what just occurred. In other words, what we just saw was an event planned and operated by western intelligence organizations, specifically the CIA, Mossad and MI-6, and very likely financed by you and me, the American people. That is how this is done. Mr. al Jolani is obviously an intelligence asset working in cooperation with those agencies. He didn’t just wake up one day with a heart-felt inspiration to start walking with his friends on the road to Damascus.

al Jolani’s Conversion Parallels That of Apostle Paul…Well, Sort of

And interestingly enough, al Jolani just changed his name. And he did so “on the road to Damascus.” He is no longer Abu Mohammed al Jolani. He has now reverted to his given name, Ahmed al-Sharaa. Furthermore, al-Sharaa is no longer a terrorist, at least that is his story. According to al-Sharaa, he is now transformed from terrorism, essentially reinventing himself, or perhaps re-branding himself in a way remincent of the Apostle Paul, who also had been a terrorist, and with a different name, and whose transition also occurred on the road to Damascus. I don’t make these narratives up. The CIA does. This is what they do. None of what I describe is random. Intelligently exerted energy has been imparted to these events and circumstances from outside of any organic activities, making all this to occur.

So, our new Syrian leader, and former al Qaeda/ISIS terrorist, says he has been transformed, “renouncing extremism and preaching pluralism and tolerance.” I am sure you are as relieved as I am. For a minute there I was concerned he was a terrorist.

What we are seeing in Syria is the advent of a perennially-failed state. Damascus, along with every other former bustling Syrian city, is much destroyed, bombed out. The Syrian people are being told to relax, that the cavalry just arrived. Help is on the way. That is nonsense. The “Big Club” of international business interests dp not care about the welfare of the Syrian people. They are not going to pour intelligent energy and resources into rebuilding bombed-out cities and villages in Syria, replacing chaos with order. Helping people in need is not what they do. All they care about right now is a Qatari gas pipeline and enough security around it to keep the gas flowing to Europe once it is built.

So, when is the last time you read or heard news about Libya? Years, I bet. Well, that is where Syria is headed. Those in charge do not want you to see what is happening in Syria. Once the dust settles, there will be no news coming out of the cradle of a once great civilization. Syria will simply become a physical conduit for natural gas between Qatar and Europe surrounded by a chaotic wasteland ruled by local gangs of Islamic Jihadists. That’s it. Western oil interests will continue stealing Syrian oil resources from the Syrian people, resources which could otherwise be used to rebuild the country. But the “Big Club” is not interested in that. And the Syrian people will either die off or become refugees seeking asylum around the world.

Last week, Donald Trump commented on Truth Social concerning the fall of Syria. Here is what the President-elect posted:

Here is how Trump’s message decodes. Apparently, a deal is in the works to end the war in Ukraine. Trump has made the promise that the war will be over in24 hours once he is in office. Obviously, Putin has agreed to walk away from protecting Syria, as he has already done. In so doing, Putin has abandoned preventing the Qatari pipeline. That’s one for the Big Club. As Assad left, it is reported that he ordered the the Syrian military command staff to disband the military and maintain a peaceful posture. That is how the Islamic mercenaries, funded by the western business interests, the “Big Club,” simply walked into Syria’s bombed-out capital, and took it over as if it were a miracle from Allah. It was no miracle. It was a deal from the start.

Many, including Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, have postulated that it is the purpose of the outgoing Biden Administration to sabotage the incoming Trump presidency, and taking down Assad at this time might be to that purpose. I expect that conclusion is largely true, that sabotaging Trump’s purposes is high on the Big Club’s agenda. And that may be an answer to my second question in the title of this piece…Why now? Because, if that is the case, they would not be able to carry this out after January 20 because Trump could likely stop the operation. Whether this was partly a sabotage operation or not, for some reason, perhaps even for reasons outside of this world, regardless how hard Trump’s enemies attempt to defeat his purposes, history shows, Trump eventually wins.

Trump wants the war in Ukraine ended, as he should. Putin wants the war in Ukraine over and to retain control of all ground taken behind the present front lines. That should satisfy Trump. Ukraine was not Trump’s war. Like the Afghanistan pull-out, Ukraine occurred during Biden’s watch. As it sits, regardless how it happened, Trump has all that he could want, a boost for the dollar, a reasonable prospect to affect peace and a halt on US spending on someone else’s war. Presently, Putin has what he has wants, the annexed oblasts of Russian-speaking peoples formerly in eastern Ukraine, now a part of Russia. In addition, Putin wants a signed agreement detailing that Russia will keep the warm water Crimean port, along with a promise inked on paper that Ukraine will never become a member of NATO. Trump will see that as reasonable, and it is. And we can expect that both Putin and Trump want open, free and fair elections in Ukraine.

One by one, President-elect Trump is picking up his cards as they are being dealt. He is assembling them in his hand. Trump will be ready to play his first card the moment he settles into his Oval Office chair.

The anticipation is killing me…

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Hank Sullivan

Author, researcher, columnist, historian, speaker, engineer, entrepreneur.

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RE: Why Syria? Why Now?...suspected deep-state machinations - thanks VERY much for the insights...well done, sir.

The Prisoner

This is well researched.

If I were Europe, I would want supplies from both Russia and Qatar.

Uncle Albert

One of the hallmarks of Hank’s writings…have followed him for years and he consistently puts out meticulously researched articles…a real treasure in his community and to the wider world…

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