UPDATE PRESS RELEASE: Evidence To Be Released 18,000 Illegal Voters In 2020 Election In One Georgia County - Biden Margin Of Victory Was 11,779

August 28, 2022
Open Records Request Shows Fulton County Made Up 17k Votes In 2020 - Election Should Be Decertified

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UPDATE 0745 8/29 - Press Release is at bottom of article from today's announcement backing up this story.

VoterGA.org's Garland Favorito stated today on The Georgia 2022 Show that there has been a group of individuals working for a year checking Georgia voter rolls.

They are going to issue a challenge to more than 39k voters this week with sworn affidavits; 18k of those voters voted in the 2020 election.

The 'margin of victory' for Biden in Georgia, was approximately 12,000 votes.

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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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Thank all of you for not giving up!! "What profit a man that he gains the whole world but lose his soul?" ~St Paul


what county?


Well it's a good start!!
Let's keep checking I'm
Sure they win find plenty more!!!
Then start locking them up!!!

Lyudmila Loseva

Only a long prison term can stop electoral fraud. Every fraudster who stole our votes should go to jail.


Renee I don't know but I put a bet on either Fulton or Dekalb! Gwinette and Cobb for a follow up


Does not surprise me in the least. The fact that brain dead Obiden won after staying in his basement and thinking he was running for the Senate, is more than enough proof it was rigged.

Gary Ross

People all the harm of what this type fraud should lead to life in prison. The harm they cause a nation their time is not enough but the ones who designed for this fraud is treasonous and those people need to be tried for treason.


The real crime is the lies told by Secretary Raffensperger in the “call” with Donald Trump that led to an impeachment proceeding — when Trump and his staff were asking about the various discrepancies known at the time and Raffensperger and his staff were saying they had “investigated” all the allegations.

Where are those “Investigations?” If they are closed, they should be matters of public record. Has anyone requested them in a ORR?

Or did the Secretary and staff just lying in order to make the Washington Post and cause a riot? People did die.

D Johnson

Laws only matter if law breakers are punished. Lets get started. We have a country to save!


Cobb had a whole day's worth of votes they never recorded in 2020.

David Shafer

We have no Republic without justice for this treasonous act. All involved should be exposed and all their personal information needs to be known. Hatred for President Trump is not an excuse for the actions of a traitor. Justice must and will be severely served.

K Weller

It’s time to start prosecuting the guilty. We are over the endless ‘investigations’. We have a nation to save!

Gail Jackson



This has all been completely unacceptable. We all & I mean all knew this 2020 election was stolen. Absolutely illegal and everything they’ve done has been illegal. Its got to be stopped and yes there should be consequences. Treason! you do not do that to your nation, to your own country man. What is the world come to? To do such a thing makes me want to throw up. I could not even imagine doing this to my fellow man. It’s disgusting and it has to be made right. ???? I also know there’s been quite a bit of Americans engaging in all aspects and that’s wonderful to see. I am glad Im one of those fortunate ones.


We need this to stop. We are sick of there lies. It time for them to fry. The American people has had enough. enough of Kemp, Raffensperger, and all the fake Rinos in Georgia. This trail that's going on, that's costing Georgia's millions of dollars, over a lie.

Willy P

This was done with the help of the evil one. All roads lead to Obummer!This is an unseen war and the evil one has saturated the minds of these Marxists that have infiltrated our once great nation! God bless us all.


Will this stop the eligible deletion of election data on September 4th? This coming Sunday?


37,500 Challenges Delivered to Gwinnett County Election Board
including 20,000 Challenges to votes certified in the 2020 Electio


The 2020 election was the most hortible, unbelievable act of corruption, but also tyranny I have ever seen in my 41 years. Besides the JFK tragedy, probably the worst in Our Country's history. I appreciate folks not giving up, but do you really think they will allow a state to actually flip 2 yrs later?! C'mon! Use common sense! We are screwed! They'll steal the midterms too! The fix is in, and now they see that they can get away with it.... Only God can save us now!

Barbara Del Prete

All of these CORRUPT people in our Government have committed SEDITION and must be arrested and indicted, "THEY" have JOINED FORCES with COMMUNISTS to DESTROY AMERICA AND OUR CONSTITUTION. "THEY"HAVE BROKEN THEIR OATH OF OFFICE AND MUST BE REMOVED , "NOW"

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