October 29, 2024
Public Domain

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Some of earlier work with the Georgia smurfing was first reported on The Georgia 2024 Show.

As my investigations expanded nationwide, we identified that this was also occurring at the state level and into local elections bankrolling corrupt judges and District Attorneys as reported by the Georgia Record, Creative Destruction Media, and the Miami Independent.

Initially, as we reported it was clear, convincing and irrefutable that Fani Willis was a beneficiary and participant in ActBlue money laundering has completed subverted elections nationwide at every single level of government.


You can check out the reports for yourself HERE…

As of this morning $2,137,274.78 the ActBlue election fraud RICO enterprise has helped Fani Willis establish quite the war chest.

Previously Fani Willis reported 222 anonymous contributions to her campaign.

As of today that number has skyrocketed by 18,899.55% to 41,169.

How much of these 41,169 anonymous contributions represent? $780,073.40

The full text of GA Code § 21-5-30 is:

"If any political committee, candidate, or any other person or entity authorized to accept contributions receives an anonymous contribution, the person or entity must immediately transmit the contribution to the state treasurer for deposit into the general fund of the state treasury. The political committee, candidate, or person or entity authorized to accept contributions must report the receipt and transmittal of the contribution to the commission, as well as the amount of the contribution, the date received, and the name of the person or entity who transmitted the contribution to the state treasurer."

What is the salary for the Fulton County District Attorney?

What does her financial disclosure statements say?

Oddly a financial statement that has little to no financial disclosure on it was all that was available…

I intend to find out and will be sure to let you know…

Who would spend over $2M to obtain a county level District Attorney title?

What is the falsification of business records? Is this a crime in Fulton County Georgia?

In Georgia, the statute governing the falsification of business records is found at O.C.G.A. § 16-11-39, which states that:

"A person commits the offense of falsifying business records when he intentionally makes, or causes to be made, any false entry in any record required to be kept by any person, firm, association, corporation or business trust in the course of its business transactions."


Fani Willis, as a candidate for Fulton County District Attorney, has engaged in systematic violations of the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Act (O.C.G.A. § 21-5) and may be in violation of the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).

The data suggests a clear and convincing pattern of structured transactions, aimed at avoiding the state’s $100 disclosure threshold, and the concealment of the true origin of substantial campaign contributions. These practices suggest participation in a coordinated laundering scheme designed to mask funding sources, evade legal requirements, and undermine public transparency.

  1. Systematic Structuring and Layering to Avoid Disclosure
    The campaign reported 42,167 anonymous contributions totaling $791,874.89, each contribution strategically kept under Georgia's $100 disclosure threshold. This volume of small-dollar, anonymous contributions, absent identifying information, reflects a deliberate structuring and layering scheme likely employed to evade legal thresholds for disclosure. Such a high number of low-dollar contributions with no identifying information is indicative of a coordinated effort to launder campaign funds, concealing their true origin and enabling evasion of state transparency laws under O.C.G.A. § 21-5-34(b), which requires disclosure of the identities of contributors whose cumulative contributions exceed $100.
  2. Pattern of Racketeering Activity Under RICO
    Each anonymous contribution serves as an individual act in a broader, coordinated campaign finance laundering scheme that aligns with methods traditionally used in money laundering. By intentionally structuring contributions to remain below disclosure thresholds, the campaign appears to participate in a “pattern of racketeering activity” under RICO, with the underlying offense of money laundering through campaign finance structuring. The campaign’s use of these contributions mirrors established money-laundering techniques that conceal the origin of funds and evade legal requirements, thereby depriving the public of transparency into the campaign’s funding.
  3. Use of Conduits and Potential Enterprise for Concealment
    The campaign’s reliance on third-party intermediaries such as ActBlue, coupled with a large volume of anonymous contributions, indicates the existence of an “enterprise” under RICO engaged in systematically structuring contributions to avoid detection and disclosure. The organized flow of funds through intermediaries, which are not fully disclosed as required under Georgia law, further suggests coordinated efforts to obscure the true sources of campaign financing.

Supporting Evidence and Analysis

  • Contributions Pattern Analysis: Campaign finance reports reveal a highly structured pattern of contributions designed to remain under the $100 threshold. This volume and style of contributions indicate organized efforts to keep donors’ identities hidden, effectively sidestepping transparency mandates.
  • Out-of-State Contributions Over $100: Analysis shows numerous out-of-state donors exceeding Georgia’s $100 disclosure threshold. Examples include contributors like Lori M. Anderson (PO Box 361230, out-of-state) who contributed $1,032.70, and Robert L. Archie (30 S 17th St, out-of-state) with $516.45. These contributions highlight further compliance issues, as these non-resident contributions should be disclosed to inform Georgia voters of outside influences.

RICO-Based Request for Investigation

The campaign’s acceptance of $791,874.89 across 42,167 anonymous contributions reflects a pattern of structuring and layering, likely executed to evade Georgia's legal thresholds for disclosure. This volume of low-dollar contributions, devoid of identifying information, is highly indicative of a coordinated effort to launder campaign funds, concealing their true origin from public view and evading state transparency laws.

Each contribution, deliberately kept under the $100 disclosure threshold, serves as an individual act in furtherance of a broader campaign finance laundering scheme. This structure, which mirrors traditional methods of money laundering, appears to constitute a pattern of racketeering activity under both the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Act and the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).


There are currently 19 ongoing investigations nationwide into this massive ActBlue money laundering RICO enterprise.

Last week Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton requested that the United States Department of Justice open an investigation into this massive nationwide multi-billion dollar RICO money laundering enterprise.

Many of the donors identified in the Fani Willis campaign finance reports are part of these nationwide investigations.

Texas AG Ken Paxton is not alone…

It would appear that Fani Willis and her co-conspirators will be facing some significant irrefutable evidence that is deeply concerning to numerous state attorneys general.

Will the Attorney General for Georgia be joining in on the massive ongoing investigation?

Our team has been tracking, logging and ranking every single smurf / straw donor over the past ten years… Things are sure to get very spicy…

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Hang every one of these crooks!


Skip the ceremony. Tie their ankles and toss 'em to pigs.

Ronald Kozlowski

Set it and forget it. RONCO has a cooking model on the same premise. Tying the ankles is a bit cruel tho. SMERK


She wouldn't be able to get away with it. If GA GOP did its job. Staring with the governor and GA AG. It will be up to Trump DOJ to hold her accountable.

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