BREAKING: GA Senate Ethics Committee Passes Bill Removing Drop Boxes From Georgia Elections

February 28, 2023
Georgia Senate Ethic Committee

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The Georgia Senate Ethics Committee, chaired by Senator Max Burns, tonight passed SB 221 after ratifying a package of amendments including a last minute addition of a measure to remove dropboxes from the State of Georgia.

During the two and a half hour committee session, the Chairman, Max Burns reviewed the bill for the members, positioning the bill as a means to close certain holes in previous legislation, help more closely define voter registration standards and ensure consistent implementation of election law and practice across the 159 Counties within Georgia. The Bill covered a number of fixes designed to clarify measures enacted in 2021 as part of SB 202.

One measure within the Bill stated that National Change of Address information (NCOA) could be deemed sufficient evidence to sustain a challenge to a voter registration.

Other measures included requirements for Counties to include video camera surveillance, monitoring and live publicly available video viewing for drop boxes in each County.

After one committee member expressed concerns about the ability of some Counties to support the video requirements and the reaction of voters to being on video as they dropped off ballots, Senator Rick Williams, Vice-Chairman of the Committee asked to be able to propose an additional amendment. His proposal turned out to be the outright removal of drop boxes in Georgia - thus eliminating the concerns regarding video capability and privacy.

Minutes later the amendment was approved, followed by a vote on the Bill itself, which was passed by the Committee.

The Georgia Record will keep eyes on the Bill as it proceeds through next steps in the Georgia Assembly. We encourage all voters to let their thoughts and wishes known to their legislative representatives in both the Senate and House.

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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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When the brothels were not doing well, what was the point of changing the beds? They changed girls. It's the same with the Georgia election mailboxes.


Good, the drop boxes need to be removed period.

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