Dekalb County GOP Fights For Children As Democrats Let Schools Decay

April 19, 2022
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The corruption and incompetence is unbelievable in DeKalb County’s School District. The Dekalb GOP means to change this as it runs a slate of 'agent for change' candidates for the Board of Education.

In an example of the corruption and incompetence in the jurisdiction, students at Druid HIll HIgh School made a video of the decay and dangerous environmental conditions in the facility. This scenario was allowed to happen while it appears Dekalb administrators were receiving bonuses of up to $10,000 from Covid relief funds. The Dekalb Board of Education had removed the school from the 'priority renovation' list. Now the Board seems to be reconsidering.

"The DeKalb GOP is outraged that the DeKalb County School District and Board has systematically neglected Druid Hills High School putting our children at risk for decades. An educational environment should be thriving institution not a health hazard wasteland filled with exposed mold, crumbling walls and sewage leaks. It is time to individualize the schools to drive innovation. Schools should not be treated as one size fits all.  Our children deserve better. It is time to vote in new leadership to our DeKalb School Board."

Marci McCarthy, Chairman, DeKalb Republican Party

  • School District 2 has 4 candidates. Our candidate is: Stephen Bowden.
  • School District 4 has 2 candidates. Our candidate is: Bonnie Chappell.
  • School District 6 has 3 candidates. Our candidate is: Janet Hughes.   

In February, the DeKalb School Board voted to remove a “modernization” of Druid Hills High School from a list of proposed school repair and renovation projects sent to the Georgia Department of Education. Students — and their parents — have been asking the district to reverse that decision, reported Decaturish.

It looked as if the school district was prepared to proceed without including Druid Hills High on the list, but then students at the high school produced a video detailing the health and safety problems at the school. Now the DeKalb County School Board plans to revisit that decision on April 18.

As the video shows, when it rains, sewage routinely bubbles up in the picnic area where seniors eat. Poles in one of the school’s computer labs have signs warning students not to touch them or risk getting an electrical shock. There are bathroom stalls with no doors and sinks that are not adhered to the wall. There’s water damage in numerous rooms and mold, too. Emergency vehicles can’t reach the athletic field and back of the school because the driveway is too narrow.

“The DeKalb County School District and Board of Education remain committed to ensuring that all our scholars are in positive learning environments,” a spokesperson for the School District said. “A proposal to renovate Druid Hills High School as part of the E-SPLOST VI project list is on the April 18 Board agenda.”

Below is reporting on the bonuses received from Covid relief funds, and the lack of standards for that distribution, leaving the system open to favoritism.

DeKalb school officials approved spending more than $100,000 in federal CARES Act money to pay bonuses as high as $10,000 to school administrators who took on an “exponential increase in responsibilities” during the pandemic, reported WSB-TV.

Channel 2 investigative reporter Richard Belcher found out the school district has told two different stories about whether it had any guidelines about how workers qualified for the bonuses.

“This causes a concern, a grave concern for us, and it should be for all taxpayers,” said Verdaillia Turner, president of the Georgia Federation of Teachers, which has about 1,000 members who work for DeKalb Schools.

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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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