Flowers At The Communist Polls

October 12, 2022

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Guest post - the author wishes to remain anonymous

The excerpt below is from a recent article in the Savannah Morning News regarding an old news clipping that included a photograph of voters enjoying flower-adorned, pleasant voting precincts. The writer, Marianne Heimes, is a Chatham County GOP Board of Elections member in her eighties. Heimes wrote:

Several things struck me about this piece. First was the addition of flowers to a polling place. I wonder if the Bamboo Farms and the Botanical Garden might wish to adorn some of our precincts with flowers - oxygenate them, so to speak, and calm participants.

The article stands as a portrayal of the strong 'uniparty,' blind and wondering why citizens can't calmly unite under the GOP / DEM combo banner. Read and see if the ideas in the article remind you of a funeral of pain and ignorance, the debris of freedom lying around in the alley nearby.

This is not an idealistic season of legal voting whereby the sanctity of the human will is reflected in our elective franchise. Citizens across the political spectrum are awakened to the international fame of Georgia's corrupt political system. It feels like a pagan, violent vandalization of the true and beautiful.

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Also, notice the shocking similarity to the deception and force premise of the communist party, with organ harvesting behind the curtain and plans to 'disappear' political opponents. All optics, but no soul. The clown-like political parade stage of flowers and suits conceals angst and fraud that permeates all levels of the Georgia GOP. Many refuse to currently sit at the table with bribers and scoffers; no one is ethically obligated to support the ’lesser of two evils.’ Some lend energy to individual candidates and policy issues, while others prod and illuminate government accountability infractions that years of civic ignorance have allowed.

Still, many will never forget when all was uprooted and exposed in the totalitarian party officer election theft that occurred in Chatham County during the 2021 GA GOP Convention season. Fulton and Newton County to the north experienced similar abuse. The putrid aroma of rotten deeds from that season still lingers. And, criminals remain non-indicted.

At ground level, the people of Georgia overwhelmingly distrust the integrity of its elections with our statewide Dominion electronic voting system. Most voting mechanisms require local referendums to enact, like the move away from paper ballots, and budgetary increases for elections require local approval. The state has tried to enforce electronic voting by working around the still existing statutes reflecting strong county home rule and the consent of the governed. Following the loud disdain for the Florida 'hanging chad' election and globalist push for the power of the pixelated ballot, in 2002, counties simply COMPLIED. Secretary of State Cathy Cox pushed the urgent, fraud-riddled narrative that led to the first unconstitutional Diebold system that Georgia purchased, while presenting the propaganda that county home rule jurisdiction regarding voting methods no longer existed. The legislative partnership she received was pivotal in causing more rotten state infestation.

To add to the chaotic ditch of illegal activity, citizens have presented evidence that Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger never ensured the Dominion system was federally certified by an accredited testing company before signing the contract to spend over $100 million on it. His friend, Gabriel Sterling received a 'bouquet' of benefit by being crowned leader of the state's Professional Licensing Division. Ironic? Have they been willing to perform their duties and act ethically now that the toxic news to their power plan has been uncovered? No.

Paraphrase of GA GOP Chairman David Shafer in fall of 2020 -- We know how the fraud happened, and Brad [Raffensperger] is too wrapped up in it to do anything about it. There you go! The ‘calming’ flower arrangement now has a ribbon and bow.



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Staff Writer

The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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Diana Barahona

"Following the loud disdain for the Florida 'hanging chad' election and globalist push for the power of the pixelated ballot, in 2002, counties simply COMPLIED under Secretary of State Cathy Cox, who bought the first unconstitutional model." But that is the modus operandi of the capitalist class: create a problem where none existed, then sell something worse as a solution.

Why use a system that produces hanging chads? Whatever happened to filling in a circle with a number-2 pencil or a ballpoint pen, and having citizens sit around a table in someone's driveway or the local church and count the votes? What was wrong with that? Well, the capitalist class had a problem with that, because it was hard to rig the results and put their smiling crooks in power. So they created punch-voting, machine voting, and finally shock and awe elections with fraud coming at you on every side.


AND Trump Allowed its DEMinion "election" FRAUD To proceed TWICE (11/3/20 and 1/5/21) in G00BER LAND !


I am riding this clown car right over the proverbial cliff. Fascinating time to be alive - near the end as we appear to be and all. Lord, I pray for the souls of the damned and the damn-near-damned. Mostly, Lord, I pray that the goddamned evil uniparty of globalist, ruling class elitist clowns suffer mightily for smearing their disgusting, foul, short-sighted, intolerant, evil arrogance all over the rest of us. What a blessing to be alive!

CA Maven


"Still, many will never forget when all was uprooted and exposed in the totalitarian party officer election theft that occurred in Chatham County during the 2021 GA GOP Convention season"

Seems like the 2020 GA stolen election had far greater consequences.

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