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Keith Williams is the man sources have identified as manhandling Senator Colton Moore and throwing him to the floor to prevent him from being able to enter the House Chamber to attend a joint session of Georgia’s General Assembly.
Williams LinkedIn account lists him as “General Counsel, Office of the Speaker (Georgia House of Representatives)”
A search of lists a “Williams, Randall Keith” described as “Deputy Chief of Staff…” listing a salary of “$158,980.69” and listing organization as “General Assembly, Georgia”
Williams LinkedIn account indicates he attended Oak Brook College of Law and Government Policy.
An online search indicates that Oak Brook College of Law and Government Policy is a “correspondence school” unaccredited by the American Bar Association.
“Study at, or graduation from, this school may not qualify a student to take the bar examination or to satisfy the requirements for admission to practice in jurisdictions other than California.”
Further, the Oak Brook website Accreditation page states: “The American Bar Association will not consider a distance learning or correspondence law school for accreditation”
Experts say no. Only those who have attended and successfully completed study at an accredited law school are able to sit for the Georgia Bar Exam and only those who successfully complete that exam may be admitted to the State Bar of Georgia.
The California Bar lists a Randall Keith Williams as a lawyer in that state California Bar # 277406. Those records indicate a Georgia phone number.
The State Bar does list a different individual, a divorce and probate attorney operating out of Roma, GA with a similar name, Keith J. Williams.
The Georgia Supreme Court has indicated certain States may have reciprocal rights to apply to practice law in Georgia. California lawyers are not recognized with such reciprocal rights:
OCGA § 15-19-51. Unauthorized Practice of Law Forbidden
“It shall be unlawful for any person other than a duly licensed attorney at law:
“The Oak Brook College of Law and Government Policy is registered with the Committee
of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California as an unaccredited correspondence law
The Georgia Record will continue to report on this incident as additional facts emerge. Nothing herein is to be construed as a charge of wrongdoing against any individual, group or organization. The Georgia Record makes no such statements. Only proper authorities are able make such determinations.
The only thing that matters is that he is arrested on assault and battery charges. Also those so called law officers that watched it happen should be fired.
No sir. Williams is being paid handsomely with Ga taxpayer money for a position he cannot legally hold! Consequently, he is actively committing fraud in addition to the assault and battery.
Lock him up? Yes.
Fire him? Yes
Make him reimburse Ga taxpayers? Yes
File charges against those involved in his vetting and hiring? Yes
In short. Ruin him and his cohorts along with him. Give them all a double dose of what they tried to had out to Sen. Moore.
Hum…..unaccredited, certainly makes one wonder how he was able to secure a position within Georgia? And why? Anyone in HR actually do their due diligence as to his background before allowing him into Georgia politics?