Savannah Chatham County Public Schools Under Contract For CRT Curricula

October 13, 2021

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Earlier this week, we released an article describing discrimination in the Chatham County School District.

It is getting worse.

Today, a well-informed and educated parent released this letter to the "Chatham Stands for Students" Facebook page showing the full contract for CRT curricula with the Savannah Chatham County Public School System. This was done without a vote of the School Board.

This comes just one week after the U.S. Attorney General called upon the FBI and other government assets to forcibly suppress parents who are working to bring awareness to harmful curricula and anti-civil liberties government school stances. Not coincidentally, the National School Board Association released a September 29, 2021 letter crying out for protection to White House occupant Joe Biden that states, "Many public school officials are also facing physical threats because of propaganda purporting the false includsion of critical race theory within classroom instruction and curricula." Journalists have now determined that the White House did, of fact, receive the concerns from the NSBA and then passed the directive to AG Garland.

The curricula purchased by Chatham County is published by a company co-founded by Attorney General Merrick Garland's son-in-law. This is additional article regarding the sordid Panorama Curriculum and its corporate tracking features from the Fairfax Times in Virginia.

We see here: Calculated fraud from NSBA. Abuse of the justice system and government assets by the AG. Divisive, falsely-premised material harbored in politically. Marxist overstep of property owners and School Board members locally.


In case you haven't received any information, the district is implementing a new program across every grade & school. Some families have received a letter to opt out, but most know nothing of the program. SCCPSS had spent CARES money under the guise that the program is to help our children recover from the trauma of Covid and to boost their mental health & well-being. Educate yourself & be informed before you allow your children to participate. Below is a letter I have sent to the Superintendent & School board members:

Apparently some families of SCCPSS received a permission slip of sorts over the past few weeks to opt out of the Panorama Social Emotional Learning platform that is being implemented by the district. Families at Savannah Arts Academy have heard nothing about the program, and I am learning that many families throughout the district also have not received any information or the form to opt out. Parents have the right to make an informed decision for their children, and those who have not been informed expect a district-wide call out and an extension of the deadline to opt out of the program.

I find it very interesting that the contract with Panorama cost the district $95,375 (just below the $100,000 mark that would require board approval). In the interest of transparency, this fact should be disclosed to the public, and SCCPSS families should receive some background information on the third party vendor with whom you have contracted.

Start with Panorama; it is a company co-founded by the U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s son-in-law Xan Turner. The enterprise is funded in part by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and backed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The company founders and financial backers are huge supporters and promoters of Critical Race Theory. Continue with some of the information from their own web page: “The America we live in is marred by a long history of racism and oppression against Black people that continues through the present… long history of systemic racism in America. This must change… Education represents one of the most important levers for change in America… We now serve 10 million students and 1,500 school districts. That puts us in a unique position to make change to our institutions through our partnership with school districts…” A Panorama client and superintendent says in the statement, “A reimagined education system is our antiracist protest.” Direct them to some of your personal social media accounts to show you believe in this agenda and strive to divide.

This is scary stuff, especially if you don’t buy into the argument that our nation, and therefore our children, are systemically racist, or that one’s race makes one an oppressor or oppressed. CRT seeks to undermine American constitutional principles, rejects the concept of equality, and does not believe as Martin Luther King, Jr. did that people should be judged by the content of their character, rather than the color of their skin. I would think these beliefs are not in line with the majority of SCCPSS families, so why would parents agree to have their children subjected to this at school?

It is the parent’s right and duty to instill morals, values, and guiding principles in their child. This role belongs to the family unit in collaboration with the faith community. Parents are more than capable of providing a strong, solid foundation at home to produce kind, compassionate, respectful, empathetic children. We choose to raise our children to be colorblind. We do not co-parent with the government through the public school system.

On the Panorama website it states that data is collected from the children to create student profiles and reports, and can the company can implement “interventions.” SCCPSS hasn’t been transparent with families about the data mining of this for-profit company. What parent wants their child’s thoughts and feelings scrutinized, cataloged, and shared with a big tech giant on a regular basis? Who wants their child to be told their thoughts or feelings are invalid, and told how and what they should think or feel about a certain topic?

You have spent this nearly $100,000 to indoctrinate our children into a radical progressive far left worldview, under the guise that the program is necessary to help our children deal with the trauma of Covid, and for their mental health and well-being. This is political activism on the tax payer’s dime. It’s high time the public is made aware. Leave “character development” to parents and guardians. With large portions of the SCCPSS student population lacking proficiency in reading and math for grade level, perhaps you could better serve our children by refocusing your efforts on your actual job – the education of our kids.”

There should be a board vote. Let the people know where you stand.

The State of Georgia is welcome to assist with petitions because it reflects a threat to all 159 counties in the state.

Board President Dr. Joe Buck [email protected]
District 1 Denise Grabowski [email protected]
District 2 Dr Dionne Hoskins-Brown [email protected]
District 3 Cornelia Hall [email protected]
District 4 Shawn Kachmar [email protected]
District 5 Irene Gadson-Hines [email protected]
District 6 Dr. David Bringman [email protected]
District 7 Michael Johnson [email protected]
District 8 Dr. Tonia Howard-Hall [email protected]
SCCPSS Superintendent M. Ann Levett (full Marxist) [email protected]
Richard Woods for State School Superintendent [email protected]

Governor Brian Kemp

State Representative Ron Stephens [email protected]
State Representative Jesse Petrea [email protected]... EMAIL / CALL THEM ALL

House Georgia General Assembly

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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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great article, keep up the pressure

Sarah Thompson

Thank you! Send us tips!!!

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