Share Launches Full Georgia Audit Initiative

July 8, 2021
VoterGA Launches Full Georgia Audit Initiative

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On Monday of the Independence Day weekend VoterGA launched an initiative in support of a full Georgia audit that would include physical ballots, Dominion server images and voter eligibility for all Georgia counties. Bill Kitchen of A Formal Image donated a stretch limo for the parade float and volunteers got there before dawn to decorate it. Dozens of volunteers marched in the parade chanting “Integrity, Transparency, GEORGIA AUDIT!”  for a full hour. They were joined by gubernatorial candidate Kandiss Taylor, a leader in the Georgia Audit movement. Another dozen volunteers manned a booth at the Woodstock festival and collected hundreds of signatures from interested attendees. The float, booth and volunteers were a hit with the crowd at both places! Taylor and VoterGA co-founder Garland Favorito did a press conference there with Brian Pritchard of Fetch Your News. Favorito said: “The events exceeded my wildest expectations”. You can find more photos and videos of the parade at #VoterGA.

VoterGA Launches Full Georgia Audit Initiative
VoterGA Launches Full Georgia Audit Initiative

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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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Grassroots efforts by patriots like Garland are all that stands between us and tyranny.


DALLAS Texas and Tarrant Texas also have their election data exhibiting an EQUATION , one same equation, and their Biden Aggrgates are Flat Surfaces meaning that that Aggregate was Pre-Determined as to win.

Bellow is the short paper by the discoverer , mathemcian Edward Solomon:


I must do a correction: the Biden Aggregate was Pre-Determined so thht to be bigger than it was. I appologize.

Alan Boys

Uniform code of military Justice allows for an illegal order to be refused by a subordinate for instance a CIA operative helping organize marches against our Southern border should refuse that order and if not will be charged along with Superior officer for a treasonous Act. Isn't that right mr. Brennan?

Larry Croft

Thank you for having the wisdom and courage to correct the hugely damaging election fraud and subsequent political corruption on the part of both the communist democrat party and the crony capitalist rino party in Georgia. Between the two of them they have thrown our state and nation into the most serious peril in our history. I have financially contributed to VOTERGA.ORG and i will continue to do so. It is a shame we have to take these measures to root out the corrupt office holders in this state. I have written e mails to the cowardly Governor of Georgia as well as the leader in the State Senate Butch Miller and House David Ralston. I have requested a full forensic audit of all 159 counties in Georgia. None of these cowards have responded to me. I also wrote my state senator Max Burns and state representative Mark Newton. Mr Burns had the decency to respond however he has not stated if he is with us or against us. Mr Newton has been too cowardly to respond to my letters. I keep sending them every day. I strongly urge those other Georgians to do the same Their e mail addresses are easy enough to find. Thank you patriots. Our state and country has fallen into the hands of marxist/communists and we MUST stop them with any and all means necessary.

Carolyn Jayne Scott

My husband & I are residents in Murray County, Ga. We lived in Whitfield County until August 2019. We updated our voting precinct early 2020 so we could vote. We both received 3 absentee ballots in the mail. We destroyed these since we didn’t request. We voted from our precinct on Voting day. I just want to let someone know. Thank you!
Mrs. Carolyn Jayne Scott
[email protected]
323 Colvard Rd
Crandall , Ga.

Deborah Monroe


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