• Over-Development is Impacting our Quality of Life in Many Ways

    By Staff
    March 5, 2015
    1 Comment

    I am very concerned about the over development of Johns Creek, presently well underway.  Every time I turn around there is another surveyor showing up on the ever shrinking green space, always followed by devastation of pristine land.

    Clear cutting has become the norm, and should not be permitted acceptable. It seems citizens are made aware long after the 'plan" is to far along to effectively stop.

    I want to gather as many people as I can to actively work towards influencing the council members to be more responsible in protecting our city from over development.  They must be encouraged to do what is right for Johns Creek  citizens- to put a stop to the clearing of our rapidly disappearing green space.

    This rapid over development is negatively impacting our quality of life in too many ways to mention here.

    I believe the vision of the powers that be in Johns Creek is NOT in unison with the majority of the residents.

    Candice Timms



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