• C.C. Work Session & Mtg Agendas for 10/12

    By Staff
    October 8, 2015
    1 Comment

    October 12, 2015
    Taylor Farms Conference Room
    12000 Findley Road, Suite 400
    5:00 p.m.
    1. City Manager
    a. Review of the following Financial Policies:
    1. Capital Asset Policy
    2. Debt Management Policy
    3. Cash and Investment Policy
    4. Budgetary policy
    b. Presentation of Strategic Economic Development Plan
    c. Presentation of Recreation and Parks Strategic Plan
    d. Discussion of Continuing and Expanding the MOU with the City of Alpharetta for Parks without Border
    e. Review of Ordinance amending the FY 2016 Budget to Incorporate and Designate Spending Authority for the Supplemental Projects, Maintenance Accrual Funds and for the MOU with Fulton County regarding SR/120


    2. Community Development


    a. Discussion on the Public Arts Board recommendations
    b. Review of Zoning Ordinance Amendments to modify and add definitions, clarify sections and address deficiencies
    3. Public Works
    a. Discussion of a Sidewalk Policy
    b. Ratification of Jones Bridge Road Right-of-Way/Easements
    4. Legal
    a. Discussion on Virtual attendance by Elected/Appointed Officials and the General Public
    b. Discussion on Lowering the Millage Rate

    October 12, 2015
    City Council Chambers
    12000 Findley Road, Suite 300
    7:00 p.m.
    1. Consideration to approve September 28, 2015 Work Session Summary and Council Meeting Minutes
    1. O2015-09-30-  PUBLIC HEARING and Consideration of an Ordinance to Amend Zoning Text Amendment A-15-001 to include ARTICLE III, Definitions; ARTICLE VII. Two-Family Townhouse,Apartment Dwelling Distrcts; ARTICLE VIII. Office Institutional, Mixed Use Districts; ARTICLE IX. Community Business Districts and ARTICLE XIX. Administrative Permits and Use to clarify terminology and use locations for Active Adults, Senior Housing, Elderly and Frail Elderly and for other purposes.
    2. O2015-09-31 - PUBLIC HEARING and Consideration of an Ordinance to Amend A-15-02 of the Comprehensive Plan to clarify terminology and use locations for Active Adults, Senior Housing, Elderly and Frail Eldery as defined as Special Needs Housing and for other purposes.
    1. O2015-10-32-  Consideration of an Ordinance amending the FY 2016 Budget to Incorporate and Designate Spending Authority for the Supplemental Projects, Maintenance Accrual Funds and for the MOU with Fulton County regarding SR/120


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    Consider Me Cynical

    People please read the Public Arts Board recommendations. As you do so, realize that this is going forward because three people concluded that this is a good idea(two were not present). Three of five people that you did not vote for.

    Review the description from the artist of their work "Creepy Crawly".

    Is this really why we became a City?

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