• Jay Lin Skips his First Council Meeting & Executive Session

    By Staff
    January 19, 2016

    Oops! Jay Lin Skips his First Council Meeting! The City Council held a meeting on January 6th, to focus on the Strategic Economic Development Plan (SEDP). The purpose was to not only hear in-depth presentations from Staff & Speakers but to have real-time continuous policy discussions with the other Council members along with Staff.

    The SEDP is an important, pivotal plan the City is exploring. The first goal is to transform the City's image from a residential to a business community.

    These potential policy changes can affect the very fabric of our daily lives. The current congestion of 141 and other main roads are worsening. Yet this very plan focuses on bringing more development to Johns Creek, specifically Tech Park.

    jayUnfortunately, Jay Lin also skipped the Executive Session that evening. It is presumed the meeting was needed to discuss the land purchase of 2 retention ponds in Tech Park the City acquired for $2.85 million, the following week for Passive Park Land.

    It is disappointing Jay Lin did not attend these very important meetings. Particularly when he told the JCP in November what differentiated him from Chris Coughlin...

    "There will be times that a city council member needs to be available during the day and invest hours of time to get familiar with subject matters for the council meeting. This will be a major challenge for a young father with a full-time job. I believe that I am a candidate that is prepared to be available for the responsibility of being a City Council member. - Jay Lin critizing his then opponent Chris Coughlin"

    If this meeting interfered with his schedule, he should have had it arranged at a time convenient for him so he can attend.

    As always, actions speak louder than words. Watch what they do, not what they say.

    what are your thoughts on Jay Lin Skips his First Council Meeting?

    Another update...



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    You are right...actions speak louder than words. That's why one should look at a candidates track record before voting rather than rely on campaign rhetoric.

    Scott Smith

    Very disappointing that Jay missed his first set of meetings. Has Mr. Lin gone on record as to why he was not available?


    We heard he was celebrating his Anniversary. The meeting was scheduled at least 2-3 weeks ahead. If it interfered with his plans, he should have had it scheduled at a date convenient to him. That is if he wanted to attend...

    Cruz Atmach

    I suspect this will be just one of many disappointments Mr. Lin will show the citizens of Johns Creek. Really should not surprise anyone given his attention to such matters previously


    This article is a blatant falsehood. I watched the entire Jan 6th Council Meeting and Jay Lin was present the entire meeting. There was no executive session that night.


    You watched the Jan 11th meeting. http://johnscreekga.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=1&clip_id=117 see the January 6th meeting yourself to view his absence.


    Not surprising given his refusal to provide any detail of his agenda in this forum prior to the election.

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