• Letter to the Editor: Help Preserve Johns Creek

    By Staff
    February 10, 2017
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    Dear Residents,

    Kauffman Tires have stopped advertising on the billboards in Johns Creek. Your participation in the ZOOM! letters and other outreach have been effective at educating advertisers why these billboards disrespect and harm our community.

    If you have never sent an automated ZOOM! letter to the advertisers, please do so. It's fast and easy.

    If you have already, feel free to send another and get one done for everyone in your household. You have complete control and can send as much or as little info as you want.

    This pressure on advertisers is key to making the billboards an unattractive investment for Clear Channel. Clear Channel is heavy in debt and their revenues are falling. If they cannot keep their blight in the sky fully subscribed at high rates, then they might not pursue the liability of the other three billboards.

    Since so many paying customers have sided with the community, Clear Channel has filled their rotation with inappropriate PSAs, wanted signs, and free ads for companies out of the area.

    There is plenty of reason to have hope that the Fairway billboard will come down, but we as a community have got to keep up the pressure on the advertisers if we want Clear Channel to abandon any plans for the other three billboards.

    Keep telling the landowners like those at the Regal Cinema and Medlock Crossing Shopping Center that they should never negotiate a lease for a billboard. Tell them to pay close attention to the ghost town that the Fairway Shopping Center has become.

    Thank you for your help,

    Preserve Johns Creek, Inc.




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