• Post 1: Issure & Lenny Forum Videos ~Traffic, Comp Plan, Dean Gardens & Taxes

    By Staff
    September 24, 2017
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    Below are videos of Post 1: Issure & Lenny answering questions at the JCP Forum.

    POST 1: Issure Yang & Lenny Zaprowski

    Lenny: What have you done in the past 3.5 years to improve traffic?

    Issure: What solutions do you propose to solve our traffic woes?

    Issure: What are your thoughts on the current comp plan draft?

    *Apologies to Issure, at the end of the video, her last sentence got cut off. She stated:

    "We already have traffic issues, why compound it with mixed-use development".

    Lenny: What are your thoughts on the current comp plan draft?

    Dean Gardens

    What is an appropriate and effective tax rate for homeowners?

    Thank you Issure Yang & Lenny Zaprowski for attending the JCP Forum!

    Other videos are here...

    Post 5



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    Concerned Citizen

    Johns Creek City Council Meeting September 25th

    I would like to know where the Johnscreekga.gov video on Lenny yelling at Stephanie Endres. Lenny accusing Stephanie of showboating and that she needs to stop talking about all the things she did for the city.

    Does the city have the right to purposefully or seemingly to be purposeful to leave out or delete a portion of a video when everything else is on video from City Council meeting?

    I can't find it. Can someone point me to it? I know I wasn't the only person who saw it.

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