• Johns Creek Millage Rate: Council Member Stephanie Endres' Proposal

    August 13, 2018
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    Below is the presentation that Council Member Stephanie Endres has prepared for her Johns Creek Millage Rate proposal. We encourage you to read and review her suggestions as she makes the case for lower property taxes for Johns Creek residents.

    August 13, 2018, is the date the Millage Rate will be set for Johns Creek. While starting at the rollback is a first for this City. The fact that this City accumulates more money than is spent each and every year is not an understatement. Her proposal, if passed, will leave more money in the hands of the property owners within Johns Creek.

    Required reserve requirements have been met. Unrestricted reserves(money with no agreed to purpose) at this time were more than $40,000,000 at the end of fiscal 2017.

    Council Member Stephanie Endres of Post 5 describes and supports her case for a property tax cut for Johns Creek residents in the document below:



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