• Congresswoman McBath SKIPS 9-11 VCF Hearing

    By Staff
    June 11, 2019
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    McBath SKIPS 9-11 VCF Hearing! Johns Creek's District 6 Congress Representative got a verbal lashing from Jon Stewart. Lucy McBath chose not to attend a 9-11 Victims Compensation Fund (VCF) hearing. The money provides critical care for those brave men and women who SELFLESSLY SERVED the community in a time of crisis.

    View the complete VCF C-Span video here. C-Span identifies all the people in the video. Lucy McBath is not seen and is not listed in the notes. NY Post Reporter Nikki Schwab tweeted those in attendance. McBath, in addition to several other Congress members of the Judiciary Committee, are absent. This is at a time when the victim compensation fund is under threat of cut payments for cancer treatments by as much as 70%.

    McBath can't claim to have not known about the 10 am VCF hearing. After the hearing, she tweeted at 12:30 pm, she was proud to "co-sponsor" the bill (1 of 305 co-sponsors). Not proud enough to hear testimony from the victims in person.

    Was her absence deliberate or due to poor time management? Regardless, many 9-11 survivors made the trek from New York in ill health to testify before an empty Congress hearing committee.

    Johns Creek's Impact

    Last year, Johns Creek mourned David LeValley at a service at Mt Pisgah Church. During 9-11, as an FBI Field Agent, he came into contact with contaminants and developed leukemia.

    Johns Creek Methodist Church Pipe Organ is from Trinity Church on Wall Street that was damaged during 9-11. The organ is fully restored and the beautiful sanctuary was built specifically for it. It is a tribute to those who lost their lives that day.

    JCUMC Organ 9-11

    JCUMC Pipe Organ - Restored from 9-11

    Finally, what are your thoughts on McBath SKIPS 9-11 VCF Hearing?

    Sources: C-Span, house.gov, Twitter & JCUMC




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