• Vernon Jones Says Not So Fast On GBI Involvement - 'Keep The Focus On Full Forensic Independent Audit'

    By Staff
    July 18, 2021
    VIDEO: Vernon Jones Says Election Integrity, Investigating Dominion Will Be Priority Upon Entering Office

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    GA GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Vernon Jones responded to Speaker David Ralston's call for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) to investigate Fulton County for election fraud, by saying the focus needs to remain on a 'full forensic independent audit' of all of Georgia's 159 counties.

    This statement released from his campaign this morning is below:


    Statement by Vernon Jones (R), Candidate for Governor of the State of Georgia
    - July 18, 2021 -
    I am glad to see that Georgia Speaker of the House David Ralston and others are finally calling for a GBI investigation into the fraud being uncovered in Fulton County. 

    But, as I have been screaming from the rooftops for months, we need a forensic audit in all 159 counties in Georgia. This statewide audit should be the “people’s independent audit”, paid for with taxpayer dollars and conducted by an independent, non-partisan, expert organization like Cyber Ninjas, the company being utilized in Maricopa County. This should NOT done by the GBI. I went to Maricopa County to tour the on-going audit there, it was professional, detailed, efficient and thorough. 

    Georgia voters are tired of this charade. Brian Kemp’s GBI was asked to help investigate the election in December of 2020 which resulted in nothing. Now, we are learning there is plenty of clear and irrefutable  evidence of fraud and errors in Fulton County, including mismarked tally sheets, missing tally sheets, missing chain of custody documents, and double counting of ballots.

    It is clear, Georgia politicians – including Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger are only now reacting to all of this because they are feeling the heat from Georgia voters to do something. Voters have run out of patience and these politicians are backed into a corner. Make no mistake, they will be playing politics to cover their own behinds. 

    Do not let up until they call for a full, independent people’s audit of all 159 counties, and a criminal investigation of the fraud that audit will undoubtedly uncover. 

    The Georgia Record is being targeted and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!      



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    Like Bidden said it's who counts the votes.

    John rodriguez

    Pitts trying to muddy the waters with an INVESTIGATION VS AN AUDIT. Wonder what he is trying to hide? And who he is trying to protect, LIKE RALSTON, THEY BOTH HAVE TO GO. RINO's ARE EXTINCT TO THE NEW REPUBLICANS. No more 1960's republican country club rules apply. TRASH THESE PEOPLE... They dont care about the people of GA. Pitts is the Pitts, been there too long, same as RALSTON, GLAD TO SEE TRUMP HAS NOT ENDORSED THESE LONG TIME RINO's. THEY ARE EXTINCT


    See, the thing about Vernon Jones, is that the man has conviction. The man is bold (i.e. not a coward for u RINOs). The man is tough and gets things done —he’s action not merely words. The man cares, about GA, about the USA, about people. I recall him standing outside at a rally back in Nov/Dec very upset about the disenfranchised citizens of the state of Georgia, and after his passionate speech he ended with, “…hear me…and I’m not b-llsh—ing. And he wasn’t.
    Can’t wait until he becomes Gov. ‼️


    Time for the right to begin large, mass protests at the GA capitol...not just one day, but constant until the elected officials realize we will not rest until they do their jobs and audit this corrupt election. Also, STOP giving any money or support to any politician that isn't on the front lines pushing for the audit with us. Take away their funding and they will get on-board...or be replaced.

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