• Dekalb County Will Continue To Use Konnech For Election Management After CEO Arrested For Sending CCP American Election Worker Personal Data

    By Staff
    October 5, 2022
    Aboe is previous 'resolution' to Konnech issue several weeks ago

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    The Georgia Record inquired to the DeKalb County Voter Registration and Elections Board as to the status and intentions regarding the county's contract with Konnech, after the CEO was arrested for sending 1.8 million records of American election workers to the Chinese Communist Party, including family members.

    The county informed us they will continue using the system no matter the national security consequences.

    This is the response we received below.

    DeKalb County Voter Registration & Elections has learned of the allegations against Konnech Corporation that were made public on October 4, 2022, and we are taking this matter seriously. DeKalb VRE procured the Konnech system as part of its ongoing efforts to modernize operations and better serve our poll workers, and took steps to mandate that its data be housed within the United States before executing a final agreement with Konnech on September 8, 2022. DeKalb County poll workers can be assured that the department will take every precaution to safeguard their personal data. We are closely monitoring this matter as it develops, and we will determine our next steps as we learn more. In the meantime, DeKalb VRE team members will continue their preparations for Advance Voting, which begins on October 17.

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    Hows a county supposed to cheat without adequate infrastructure


    Virginia and Detroit Have ended their contract. Dekalb County, Georgia will continue to use despite serious risk. It’s like playing with fire and election workers private personal data that could lead to identify theft, Etc.

    Rick Laplante

    Identity theft is not the issue. Poll worker demographics stored on server in China means that the CCP has access to those poll workers’ identities. And “could” threaten family or “could” determine those with financial issues that would be vulnerable to blackmail of bribery, to get access to voting machines.


    DeKalb will also use a lot of phantom voters, like they did last time.

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