• Marjorie Taylor Greene Breaking Bad

    June 3, 2023
    MTG - Breaking Bad
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    Congressman Marjorie Taylor Greene held a town hall recently where she declared that Congress would never come to agreement to actually pass the Limit Save Grow Act passed by the House, which reduced the might of the nefarious administrative state, and began the process of repairing the nation's finances.

    However, that is not the point -- the point was -- that we had all the leverage with the debt ceiling, and we could have shut down much of the nefarious behavior in Washington. Default was impossible as there was plenty of money to service the national debt.

    Instead, she tried to push the spin that she had to help pass a bill with Speaker McCarthy that destroyed the financial future of your nation and your children -- which gave the Biden administration a blank check to run up trillions in debt over the next two years.

    Somehow, MTG incredulously declared she demanded a balanced budget and impeachment to Speaker McCarthy, and somehow expected to get it.

    She will get neither and she knows it.

    One attendee told The Georgia Record, "She lied through her teeth to my face!"

    Yesterday, MTG also said it would not be appropriate for the J6 footage to be released.

    The Hill reported Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) has changed her position on the public release of the tapes documenting the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, warning Friday that their release could “put the security of the Capitol at risk.”

    This is a serious 180 degree turn for someone who had been championing the J6 political prisoners. Releasing the actual footage would help their legal case, and show the American people what really happened.

    By pushing 'impeachment week' and her 'balanced budget desert', MTG is dangling shiny objects to take your attention off her vote to destroy the republic.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene can no longer be trusted. She is working for the other team.

    She must be primaried.

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    L Todd Wood

    L. Todd Wood is the CEO of Creative Destruction Media. He's also been a longtime national security columnist for the Washington Times, and other large publications. Visit LToddWood.com.

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    She doesn't look good. Very sloppy


    doesn't dress like Pelosi for sure

    Not Frank

    she hasn't been there long enough to buy all the Armani suit pants pelosi can afford.


    Not wanting the J6 footage shown does make her look like a traitor!!!! I wonder if she's seen some of it and found that Dems have "deep faked" it so it looks much worse than it is?? Going with McCarthy's bill isn't "playing for the other side/being a traitor". That's just ridiculous. Of course a compromise had to be found, since Republicans have nearly zero of the culture or MSM in their grasp and a default would've eventually been blamed on them.


    Actually, your comment shows a common lack of understanding of the process. Default is non-payment of sovereign debt service. This was impossible. The Constitution requires the debt to be paid. Cash flow in 2023 is 10x at least needed to pay the debt service. There is zero chance of default. There is a high chance that agencies would not be funded after paying social security/medicare. She gave away that leverage to defund the administrative state. So yes, unfortunately, she is working for them.


    I've already blocked all her fund raising texts and emails. Sell out. I only wish that I could get all my previous donations back.

    Mary Jo

    Default is just one more scare / crisis tactic the government uses against Americans. She was elected to sift through the lies and tell the truth to the American people. She has proven that is part of the same uniparty she promised to fight.


    such a revealing position to take

    Mad Celt

    Republicans are only Democrats with library cards.


    standing with Liz Cheney how much more patritotic could she become

    Duane Staab

    Time to dump her. Obviously a new RINO recruit for the Siamese Twin bastard political party.

    […] Marjorie Taylor Greene Breaking Bad […]

    Amy Williams

    Traitors abound- we need to replace all but the 20 in the house and the entire Senate. We need a Miracle.
    I for one, believe in Miracles.

    Carlton Johnson

    The Divine Reset will begin being implemented very soon, probably as early as 6-10-2023, or maybe even by 6-24-2023. It'll be a global reset/transformation/ makeover affecting the entire Church & nations of the world, including the 7 mountains/spheres of culture/society: family, Church/religion, government, education, media, arts/sports/entertainment, & business/economy. His Kingdom agenda, shall govern the entire earth. Youtube video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esoshckycIQ.

    Last edited 1 year ago by Carlton Johnson
    Carlton Johnson

    The Divine Reset will begin being implemented very soon, probably as early as 6-10-2023, or maybe even by 6-24-2023. It'll be a global reset/transformation/ makeover affecting the entire Church & nations of the world, including the 7 mountains/spheres of culture/society: family, Church/religion, government, education, media, arts/sports/entertainment, & business/economy. His Kingdom agenda, shall govern the entire earth. Youtube video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esoshckycIQ.

    Last edited 1 year ago by Carlton Johnson
    Sandra Bearden

    How in the holy heck can she say they gave us $1.4 trillion in savings when she voted to add $4 trillion in debt on us. That is just ludicrous! She helped the uniparty sell us out and they didn’t even consider they have the total power of the purse and didn’t even try to hold out for capped spending, border closing and getting rid of their crazy spending on both sides. You are talking out of both sides of your mouth MTG. What you’re selling doesn’t fly!


    Doesn't always happen to please the "uninformed" of the way our government works.
    The gov. has ,and always will be, a TRADE off & Bargaining situation on ANY SPENDING settlements. She did NOT SELL ANYTHING ! She ONLY did what she thought "BEST" for her constituents. What is wrong with you people ? You act as if you are the Lords of knowledge of politics ! Know the "FACTS" before shooting off vile
    comments you are NOT knowledgeable enough to comment on ! PERIOD !!

    Renee Pruitt

    Not sure I agree with you all yet. She is very close to Trump, that must say something. If Trump keeps having her speak at his Rallys there is a reason for it and I am sure Trump knows what he is doing. Don't think it is wise to target her.




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