• Following Release Of Halderman Report Kelly Loeffler Calls On Election Officials for Emergency Machine Fix - But Where Has She Been Until Now?

    By Staff
    June 16, 2023

    Photo: public domain

    Today Kelly Loeffler issued a message via Greater Georgia Action apparently in response to the just released Halderman report which details numerous vulnerabilities in Georgia's election systems.

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    The Halderman report, written by Prof. Alex Halderman, was created as expert testimony and evidence for the Curling v. Raffensperger case.

    The report was completed in July 2021, then quickly sealed away from the public eye by court order. Certain election officials and parties to the case were granted access to the document, so essentially the Secretary of States office and others knew of the contents two years ago.

    See our video report on the Halderman findings and conclusions further on in this article.

    Today Kelly Loeffler, through her Greater Georgia Action 501(c) 4, issued a release calling for "Emergency Voting Machine Fix" ahead of the 2024 elections.

    Secretary of State Raffensperger's office had previously signaled that despite the risks and vulnerabilities, they had no plans to implement any fixes prior to 2025, thereby leaving the numerous critical problems in place through the next 2024 election.

    Loeffler's communique' today creates two big questions:

    1. Did she actually read and comprehend the report?

    In Halderman's conlusions he states:

    "This suggests that either the ICX’s vulnerabilities run
    deep or that earlier testing was superficial. In my professional experience,
    secure systems tend to result from development and testing processes that
    integrate careful consideration of security from their inception. In my view,
    it would be extremely difficult to retrofit security into a system that was not
    initially produced with such a process."

    In other words the vulnerabilities cannot be effectively addressed with "fixes" because of the lack of security design during production.

    2. Where has she been for the last two years?

    Realistically since Raffensperger and other parties were granted access to the contents of the report, one would think that at least a notion of the concerns would have been shared with others including Loeffler, yet it seems she's often been absent from Election Integrity efforts. Several leaders in Election Integrity in Georgia admitted that they had not heard from her in the past two years and indicated surprise that she would issue a call for action just hours after public release of the report.

    The Georgia Record attempted to ask for her comments during last week's GOP Convention but were quickly told that they were not answering any questions at the time.

    Loefflers statement appears below:

    See our Special Report on Halderman's fiindings and conclusions here:

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    Tony Bell

    The Georgia SOS dismissing those urging the security update is akin to having the fox in charge of the hen house. Why would he not want to secure the equipment with the latest security upgrades? One can only imagine, but the obvious is likely true.

    Tony Bell
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    Last edited 1 year ago by Rob William

    The machines need to go, not be fixed. They'll claim they fixed them an install different software so they can rig another election.

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