• Forsyth Commissioners Try To Explain Away Election Board Nomination - Even Local News Now Reporting

    By Staff
    September 16, 2023

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    During a Republican gathering this week, Todd Levent, one of five County Commissioners of Forsyth County, GA, apparently felt compelled to address the group and attempt to diffuse the growing concerns around last weeks swearing in of Joel Natt to the Forsyth Election Board. In part he announced that documents and questions would be released so Forsyth residents could avoice listening to "he said, she said" regarding the appointment.

    Why Levent decided this was the time and place to speak publicly is known only to Mr. Levent. Readers of Hank Sullivan's substack articles and previous articles brought forth in The Georgia Record have explained in detail how Forsyth law and State law defines the nomination process for the elections board. They have heard the previous GOP Chairman submitted Natt's nomination the better part of a year early. Readers have heard that the newly elected GOP board spotted this bizarre nomination and notified the Forsyth Commissioners that Natt's nomination was voided. The GOP board then followed the lawful process to solicit candidates, interview and select an appropriate nominee which they then presented to the County Commission months ago and how the Commissioners have refused to accept the lawful nominee and have fought ever since to prevent any change from Natt. Why? We don't know.....yet.

    The fact he spoke about Natt's appointment is notable because the Commission and their attorney, Ken Jarrard had, in previous weeks, all declined to answer questions posed by Mr. Sullivan and by the Forsyth County News.

    Also this week listeners across Georgia (and the Nation) heard about Levent's comments and the reaction to them:


    Here is the latest update on this from Hank Sullivan on the unlawful nomination of Natt.


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    They do what they like in the face of the law. They ask forgiveness later...actually, they don't even care about that. They know there will be no consequences.


    I have a seven hour time condensed video FROM Forsyth, Ga., and the DMV office there. It shows MANY illegals come and go ALL day with smiles and licenses, while residents (Caucasians) are there ALL day!!! Of course the 320lb. sheboons are in charge....true story, real video.

    Last edited 11 months ago by Htos1av
    Eagle Point

    Pritchard’s GAGOP CORPORATION is an illegal political party that can’t seem to find its way under the GA Election Code while they WAIT for Kemp to legislate a new age of political party artificial corporate incubation.

    If Pritchard doesn’t like what the party is doing and who is on committees - like Joel Natt, Brad Carver, Trey Kelly, David Shafer, and all of the others who have been maneuvering internal chaos (light word), why doesn’t he fix it as #2 in the state?

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