• UPDATE: Fulton County GOP Files Mandamus Action To Force Fulton Commission To Appoint GOP Nominee To Board Of Elections

    By Staff
    June 30, 2023

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    This story is developing...

    UPDATE: There seems to be some confusion as to the clerk accepting the filing.

    The Fulton County GOP has filed a mandamus action to force the Fulton County Commission to appoint GOP nominee Jason Frazier to the Fulton Board of Elections.

    The appointment is required by law.

    The Fulton County Board of Commissioners has refused to appoint Frazier in two separate actions. Frazier has been instrumental in analyzing records to detect election fraud in the jurisdiction.

    More to follow as The Georgia Record receives information.

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    Michele Sarkisian

    The public has had enough of smug, full of themselves commissioners who ignore public comments and disregard hard working, smart contributors who are actually doing work the Paid elections team failed and still fails to do.

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    Last edited 1 year ago by Rob William

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