• Why Are Those Who Lawfully Challenged The 2020 Election Being Charged With Crimes?

    By Staff
    July 28, 2023
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    On July 18th, The Gateway Pundit reported that Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel had criminally charged 16 people who in 2020 were selected to represent the concerns of Michigan voters and serve as an alternate slate of electors, following the 2020 election.

    The charges included a list of violations totaling a possible 66 years in prison for the defendants. Nessel’s statement on the case appears below.

    Today, here in Georgia, barricades have been erected in front of the Fulton County Courthouse in what some say may be the imminent indictment of certain alternative GA electors who were chosen in 2020.

    At the same time, newly elected GA GOP Chair Josh McKoon posted a tweet questioning the notion of charging any electors for following their convictions and exercising their right to contest an election and form an alternative group of electors contingent on the contest.

    Historians may well recall that one method used by many totalitarian regimes in gaining power is to silence opposition through fear.
    Americans saw this when the DOJ threatened to define parents speaking up at school board meetings as “domestic terrorists.”
    In advance of the elections between now and November 2024 it now appears this strategy may once again be deployed.
    Georgia has been especially active and vocal as the concerns around election integrity continue and broaden.
    Just yesterday, a meeting including Lt. Gov. Burt Jones, SoS Raffensperger, Sen. Dolezal, Sen. Gooch and perhaps others was held to discuss these concerns. So far Raffensperger’s office has not signaled any change with regards to election methodologies nor any mitigation of the vulnerabilities pointed out recently by the Halderman report and in last year’s CISA report.
    While at the Zuckerbucks-funded CEIR meeting in Washington DC, Raffensperger stated he believed voter confidence in Georgia elections was improving. Unfortunately this seems in complete opposition to the reality of public concern shown repeatedly and broadly across Georgia
    So is the unspoken strategy: “if people won’t quiet down, we’ll scare them into silence?” We don’t know, but based on conversations within the hour, The Georgia Record believes a move to cause fear of speaking out is likely to have the opposite effect across the residents of this State.

    One is reminded of the quote from one of the Star Wars movies: “The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.”

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    Rubbish! FAKE NEWS!! The Dems never did nor ever would try to create a bogus slate of electors. That was a magat tactic inspired by the criminal-in-chief.

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