The Georgia GOP Organization Totally Disrespects The Grassroots

December 30, 2022
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Current GA GOP Leadership Hits Far Left Status

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There is a national movement to replace Republican Party officers who engage tactics abusing their authority, violating election laws within the party, failing to hold their county officials to constitutional election code compliance, and completely refusing to represent conservative values. The Georgia Record and numerous other conservative, free press outlets have reported on the public failure of the current Georgia GOP officers for the past two years, and the TIME IS NIGH to replace them.

The upcoming state convention cycle, kicking off with precinct caucuses in Georgia counties with over 80k population on FEBRUARY 11, is in planning stages now. At this time, Republicans at the most local level must maximize turnout to elect nearly 10,000 officers required to properly reorganize for 2024. However, the Georgia Republican Party has completely failed to issue any meaningful press release to inform the "broadest possible participation" of the impending four-part convention cycle. The "participation" they seek must be the donation responses from constant party contact.

According to state executive board members, convention planning it is 'private party business' still at this time... a mere 45 days prior to the first event that should stimulate the turnout of NEARLY 100,000 REPUBLICAN ELECTORS to serve in primary or alternate delegate positions. These delegate positions were earned based on Republican turnout from the local precinct level in the 2020 Presidential election. Delegates elected at caucuses will then run for and vote for County GOP Officers at County Conventions statewide on MARCH 11.

To overcome the 'private party,' the official convention documents can be seen here. There are numerous discrepancies between them that appear to show additional attempts at arbitrary corporate controls, for which the party is well known.

By failing to issue early public notices of any type for these critical two events, the GA GOP is offering early forfeiture to the Democrat Party. It is synonymous with claiming to build a Superbowl team, but neglecting to scout any team members until the night before spring training.

The Call of the 2023 Republican Party Convention shall have been filed as a public record with the Georgia Secretary of State in October. According to Georgia law, the estimated dates for these party primary elections in counties across the state of Georgia shall have possibly been issued even back in May when the announcement for the State Convention in Columbus was press-released. Instead, it is estimated that less than 1,000 Republicans statewide are aware of the events. The party quietly sent it to the County Chairmen in late October to begin planning locally, which is per party Rules. However, to add suppression, many County Chairmen are withholding this official document from their county committees. All of the elected officers must be familiar with the document in order to approve county plans with the highest Republican interest. It is apparent that some Chairmen withhold documents from their committee to retain control of the systems that promote their leftist factions within the local and statewide party.

Last week, Charlie Kirk and Turning Point Action took on the RNC regarding some similar disrespectful actions towards his army of young, grassroots conservatives.

According to the Washington Post, Kirk, who leads the largest conservative youth organization in the country, sent an email to over 150 members of the Republican National Committee putting them on notice that his organization, supporters, staff and affiliated group will leave the party unless drastic changes were implemented. Other stories were featured in Raw Story, and other numerous other outlets. Kirk is determined to train the younger generation of conservatives to reject party and public representation that undermine the principles and foundations of our conservative American way of life.

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According to an article in Politico, "Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point, sent an email to the 168 voting members of the RNC on Monday [Dec 19] to “plead” with them to listen to grassroots conservatives who want them to pull their support from McDaniel. Kirk informed them of a new Turning Point political initiative, the Mount Vernon Project, to recruit new RNC members to challenge sitting members who are out of touch with grassroots activists."

This week, a member of the Georgia Republican Party, who experienced several months of Georgia GOP cheating during the 2021 Convention season, filed a letter with a similar tone to all GOP County Chairmen across the state. Susan Opraseuth, who sent the letter, was featured by FoxNews, The Georgia Record, and numerous other outlets during the time following the fraud-riddled April 17 Fulton County Convention. Opraseuth was elected GOP Chairwoman of Fulton County at the convention after a nearly ten-hour ordeal, consisting of a first election that was defrauded, and a second election that was meticulously quality-controlled, which she clearly won by 24 votes.

Opraseuth remains the duly elected Chairwoman of Fulton county, according to all technical evaluations, because her third election in July 2021, ordered by the GOP State Committee, followed a flawed and perhaps illegal appeal process, and did not meet election standards. Most significantly, the Fulton County GOP, with a big assist by State Chairman David Shafer, did not comply with the State Committee direction to hold a third vote with the original delegacy quickly, within days. Instead, it happened a month later electronically.

The list of 'qualified party electors' from the April 17 convention was withheld from the party Secretary, Dr. Sonia Frances-Rolle, and then acting Fulton GOP Chairwoman, Ms. Opraseuth, which prevented them from ensuring election security and legal compliance. This was because the responsible incumbent Fulton County Chairman, Trey Kelly, had effectively 'lost the list.'

State Chairman David Shafer and his team then interfered in this party officer primary election, even 'bringing in' Ms. Opraseuth for a meeting to attempt to negotiate a new delegate list for the third election. When she expressed a strong ethical disdain for continuing with an electronic election plan without contacting all of the original, April 17 convention delegates because of the neglectful 'missing list' issue, Shafer asked her if she would rather resign. He then suppressed the vote on Ms. Opraseuth by publicly accusing her of withholding the delegate list she could never obtain from Mr. Kelly.

Chairman Shafer proceeded to oversee a third vote in favor of Kelly, disturbingly held for the first time on an electronic system without the willing consent of either Opraseuth or the State Committee, but only on coercive leverage. Shafer and Kelly were intent on an electronic vote with a rigged list regardless of other parties to whom they were accountable. The Georgia Record covered the third election in this article.

Ms. Opraseuth, who served as a State Delegate in 2021 from Fulton County and is a Precinct Chairwoman, maintains a tenacious resolve to protect the disenfranchised electors of Fulton County and Republicans statewide. This week, she sent a letter to the GOP Chairmen of each county in order to spotlight a blatant false representation on page 1 of The Call of the 2023 Republican Party Convention.

The letter Subject: Notice of Concern to the Detriment of Rural Counties in The Call for the Convention 2023 reads:

The conservative residents of Georgia rural counties constitute a significant portion of our Republican Party and brought out 36.4% of the Presidential vote in 2020. The predominantly city-dwelling state executives appear intent on making it difficult for smaller counties to enjoy two days to organize their leadership and delegate elections. They have also misrepresented the truth of our party governing Rules.

The Call, which shall have recently gone into effect upon submission to the Georgia Office of the Secretary of State (GA Code § 21-2-113 (b)) contains a false representation on page 1. The written direction to under 80k counties is that their precinct caucuses may only be held between March 1-11. This is directly inconsistent with the written provisions of State Rule 9.2(A)(5), the opt-out provision of 9.2D. The state officers and attorneys responsible for this document and neglectful State Committee members have approved this verbiage with disrespect for our valuable rural Republicans. These electors, who safeguard our heartland’s conservative heritage, have received this procedural abuse for several election cycles.

Susan P. Opraseuth

The entire letter can be read below.

We interviewed Susan Opraseuth and Sarah Thompson, a U.S. Veteran grassroots constitutional advocate, on this topic in November.

Georgia Republicans are preparing to rally around a shared desire to Go Reclaim Georgia. Many conservatives believe that those who claim the Republican label but then cheat, abuse, neglect, interfere, and violate laws MUST GO. They also believe that Georgia's ONLY established conservative party must be restored into the hands of those who live and breathe the conservative platform of the Grande Old Party. The battle for political survival is upon them. You may contact your local party for precinct caucus details, which is the entry point to the party elective franchise. Those building urge you to immediately invite all of your conservative contacts to begin mobilizing the 100,000 Republicans required to properly reorganize for the 2024 election. Maximum local turnout is needed at the precinct caucus meeting to create a pool of options for good party officers.



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Staff Writer

The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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