Tips For A Low-Stress Move If You Have A Disability

July 12, 2021
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Guest Post by Derek Goodman

Moving can be an intensely emotional process, especially if you are faced with a disability and are unable to complete the task on your own. Whether moving by choice or by forced circumstances, it can be both physically demanding and psychologically stressful. This is true even when you are excited about the move. To further add to the stress, the chaos of a move usually happens on top of life’s daily responsibilities. Since so few people have the luxury of moving without having to juggle the realities of other commitments and limitations, here are some tips from the Johns Creek Post to help keep things organized and make the process as easy as possible.

Home Hunting

Depending on the purpose of your move, finding a new home can be the least predictable part of the moving process. Constraints such as your accommodation needs, along with time and budget, will be automatic limiters in your search. Detail your needs before you start looking, particularly if your new home will need special modifications, so you can communicate those needs to the realtor. This will help you avoid wasted time viewing options that won’t meet your needs.

Working with a realtor who is familiar with the ADA guidelines for accessible design can help streamline the process. It is also important that you understand your rights as a renter or home buyer with a disability, and have a general idea of how you will be financing the home and the move.

Strategic Packing

If the process is timeline-driven, you may already have a basic schedule before you start looking for a new home. MakeSpace notes that depending how quickly you need to get the move underway, it is possible that you will have to start planning before you have any details about the new space. Start by packing the items you use the least, keeping items separated by room and purpose. If packing isn’t something you have the time or ability to do, consider hiring professionals to tackle the job for you.

Use a coding system to identify what goes where but don’t label boxes in great detail to avoid drawing attention to the items inside, especially if they are valuable. Donate or sell anything you don’t intend to use in your new home. Don’t bother moving these items, since this will cost you a great deal of time and extra money. When moving day arrives, remember that the last boxes into the truck or trailer are the first boxes out. These should be your essentials for the kitchen, bathroom, and bedrooms. Make sure all medications and other items you will need immediately stay with you.

Working with a moving company can take a lot of the stress out of packing, transporting your belongings, and unpacking, depending on the range of services they offer. is a great resource for finding a moving company that will help you with one or more aspects of your relocation. In addition to customer reviews and their request-a-quote option, the site offers information on deals being offered by local movers, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars.

Strategic Unpacking

Don’t rush the unpacking. If you or your movers did a good job of packing your items, you’ll have immediate access to the necessities and will be able to take your time determining how the rest of your existing items fit into your new space. Take things slow and unpack one room at a time starting with the rooms that will get the most use. Whether you are downsizing or upsizing, you may decide that some of the items you chose to keep just don’t fit your new space. However, before you get rid of the old and purchase something new, take a few weeks to live with the items in your new home. It may be that you are just struggling to visualize them in new surroundings, or that you haven’t found a layout that works yet.

The Spruce suggests you rearrange the furniture until you find a configuration you like, or consider painting (which is a relatively inexpensive way to transform a space) before making a large investment for new furniture. Make sure to call on friends and family if needed to help you with these tasks. While you do need time to adjust, it is also a good idea to create a schedule and give yourself a deadline for unpacking so items don’t end up in boxes indefinitely.

As stressful as moving can be, it can also be a therapeutic and renewing process if you let it. Planning your move in detail will help reduce the stress of the unknown, while packing strategically will help you eliminate things you don’t need and keep track of the items you do. Strategic unpacking will help you maintain your budget and settle into your new home as quickly as possible.

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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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